Anyone got a fairey/superwinch pto winch on their motor?

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It doesn't look like a screw
If you look at the finned casing of the winch on the right hand side as you look at it. In the middle of the side face of that there is a circular piece (about 1.5" diameter) in the centre with 2 6mm holes on. Apparently this is a bearing adjustment screw? I've uploaded an image of what I mean, it's not my winch but a photo I stole from Google. It's the silver circular cap. Can you measure how far yours in inset from the outside of the casing? Some pictures I've seen this part protrudes the casing, some are inset?


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Hook probably ebay, cant be more accurate as it was some time ago.I would imagine the biggest one yuou can get will be fine.
I think I have 10 or 11mm wire rope.

Ref the adjustment screw mine has a cap on it, I dont actually think I have ever looked under it!
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Thanks for looking. I'm going to try some thicker oil first and see if that cures it.
I like your extended breather on the gear housing. That's a very good idea, not thought of that. Might have to steal that idea!
One last technical question (last one I promise). How much slop/play is there in your sliding joint? (the hexagonal section of the shafts that slide into each other just before the winch) put mine all together tonight and there seems a fair bit of side to side and uo and down play in it. I filled it with grease and that seemed to improve it slightly. Just don't want it flying round when the winch prop is at speed. Thanks.
The one on my 90 isnt to bad, but I think its a later unit as its multi splined I had one hell of a job finding a new male splined section to suit, the one on my series 2 is the hex style and has loads of slop, I just grease it and dont worry about it!
I reckon as it spins quite fast and has low torque requirements its not to much of an issue, mate on the series two forum reckons when they get really bad they just strip the edge of the hex and stop driving which could be a pita but not life threatening.

Ps I think the thread in top of the winch gearbox is 1/8bsp same as the land rover axle breathers.
Didn't know they did a splined type. I will have to wait and see if it holds up. As you say, there's not much torque going through the shaft anyway. If it does strip I'm sure I can make a new one up. I want to find a rubber boot/gaiter I can put over the slider, that way I can pack more grease in.