I dont have a problem with you, or your business either, it is more an industry thing.
The point I was making was that insurance is charged according to perceived risk, of the vehicle, and the driver, and the greatest risk is an unknown quantity.
So a new client with a modified vehicle is likely going to get hammered financially. For some, ie those who intend to drive in competitions etc. they need a specialised product, possibly with motorsport cover etc, so well worth going to a specialist, cost will not be the main objective.
But for the average user, it might be better to take off the mods, whch they possibly dont need anyway, and insure the standard vehicle until they build up no claims, and a record with the company. Then, if desired, go back to the mods, they will find the cost impact should have lessened.
They are called Cornish Mutual, dont know if they take Aberdonians, except the missus, of course, but she lives here. Google around if there is a local mutual insurance company round you.
As I suggested earlier, all insurers have a target market. CMA like careful middle aged drivers, and price accordingly, others like higher risk business, youngsters, returned banned drivers and the like. Really a matter of finding an insurer that values your kind of business. I have full protected no claims on all my three road vehicles.