Alluminium and painting

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New Member
County Durham

Just after some advice I'm painting the outside of my series 3 which has been covered with 30 years of paint

I have been striping in back a bit and will cause etc andy bare spots,

I have seen some landys where the top strip of the tub and the bit at the back are silver or left un painted and I like it, but will it corrode I I don't paint the top bit

Also I like the looks of the front bumpers unpainted but will this corrode
Sorry if these are simple questions
the front bumpers on series 3 landys are as bigsi13 sez galvanized

most people i know just blow them over with aluminium silver paint and they look pretty convincing

as for the bare bonnet aluminium are you sure youve seen them just aluminium or silver annodized chequer plate rivveted to them

but if you are going to have the wing tops stripped bare aluminium the fastest way to get 30 years paint off them without scuffing them is to use a big ball of wire wool and plenty of thinners applied witha paint brush then once theyre all cleaned up and shiny id give them a good few coas of clear etching primer topped off with 3-4 coats of clear laquer to keep the rwain from oxidizing the aluminium :D:D:D
The cappings and bumper are galvanised so they shouldn't corrode. You can do something called cold-galvanising which is by using special paint which looks like galvanising. You can also get them re-galvanised.
If they've been painted previously then it may be because the galv had worn off and they were starting to corrode. You could try stripping them back and see what the test of time does. Other two options as mentioned are regalvanising them or painting them hammerite silver or similar which many seem to do
Before you spend money on paint, its worth noting that new galvanised bumpers are about £40 each!

I'm probably going to buy a new bumper for mine eventually. Someone has used the bumper to lever something off and its a bit bent in places.