Sorry it's taken me so long to reply, and also apologies for my inability to use the multiquote function, but I'll try and answer all the issues that have been raised.
Firstly, Frank Pickles. As far as me and my supervisor are aware, we haven't bought Frank Pickles. It is very common however for an insurance company to point you in the direction of another insurer who will be able to help you with your cover, and I know Frank Pickles very often send people over to us.
Ben waine, have a look at the post I made about young driver insurance in another of the forums here -
Bankz5152, the best thing for me to do is to have a look in to this one for you. If you send across to me your policy number I'll see if theres anything that I can do. Also, in regards to the online quote you have had from Flux Direct, our schemes vary on a daily basis, and within the last week we have had 8 new schemes come live that we can use for our customers.
Finally, our monthly instalments. It is a credit agreement provided by a company called Premium Credit LTD, we outsource to this company who will provide us with the payment for your insurance premium, which you then pay back to them. The fact that we outsource the agreement means that sadly the terms and conditions are beyond our control, no matter how much we want to, we cannot change the terms that this company set down for you as a consumer.
Hopefully this clears up any confusion or problems, and in regards to Bankz, the second you send your policy number over to me I'll get straight on it and see what the problem is.
Have a good day,