That is complete codswallop
This fella has done nothing wrong and brought the ability to people to maintain their vehicles.
If people like LR & Hawkeye had charged a reasonable price for their product then there would be no need for devices such as this and iCarsoft.
I do not single out LR as 'poxy' - the poxyness was endemic in the motor industry, they were all putting electronics into their vehicles that created a toxic maintenance environment for their customers. Legislation was needed to stop them - as it is when ever corporations take unfair advantage of their customers.
Anyway, should we always use 'genuine' parts when maintaining our cars? Should we never use OEM or aftermarket - even when JLR arbitrarily decide they can't be arsed to sell them any more? Surely going by your position they should be removed from sale.
I should add as well, that the question of whether remotes/transponders can be coded has been asked many times on this forum over the years with nobody being able to answer it. The cars are now 20 years old and finally someone has been able to answered it.
IBM were happy for people to build add-ons to their computers - bull bars and roof racks if you like - it meant they could sell more PCs - however, they took people to court to stop them copying their PCs. It was only after people reverse engineered the code for the BIOS that IBM compatible PCs could be made and competition created.