Good grief!
'out of control' .. it's a steep hill on ice/snow, probably to be expected.
'Public perception' .. feck 'em, were there any spectators to the event?
'Bad publicity' .. So what? It's a Land rover slightly sideways on a lane, FFS, perhaps you should say the same about the pics of the white 110 sideways in a ditch, or Pikeys 90 on it's roof? (NOT taking the **** guys, using your pics as an example, sorry!!

) At least be feckin' consistent in the condemnation of others.
FFS, we play nicely, we stop to let the bobbles past, we smile, grit our teeth and politely say 'good morning', whatever, and get scowls and fist-waving in return. I say feck 'em .. the worm is turning and it's about time we stood up for our rights, drove the lanes when, where and how we like and if we want to show pictures of us enjoying ourselves, even (especially?) when we're stuck, then so be it. What's the point of a winch or other recovery gear? ..
I know it's a politically sensitive area, but so what? So bobbles might want to use the pics out of context, so what? All we need to do is counteract them with pics of what walkers do .. like the 'footpath' pics I took on Mam-Tor, Like the path to Snowden .. both supposed to be minimal width, but because so many walkers pass they're humongously wide, needing constant maintenance due to the walkers constantly NOT using the correct pathways ... EXACTLY what they level at us!!!
Bollocks to 'em, fight fire with fire .... I fully intend to not get stuck at every opportunity, but if I do I hope someone's there to picture it or video it .. and publish it!! At least we can have fun, have a laugh and take the **** out of each other instead of moaning into our cups of Cocoa gnashing our teeth and complaining about nothing much...