A bit jumpy in low revs...

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Active Member
Hi everyone,

Defender 110 (1999) - Drives great, but doesn't like low revs, predominantly in 2nd gear, he gets all fussy and starts 'kangaroo' jumping??? I am pretty sure its nothing to do with the gearbox or clutch as otherwise drives like a dream. Instinctively it feels like fuel or maybe an injector issue. I am also sure that I have read that others have had this? Any ideas?

In the interim I have bought a new wastegate and will be changing the fuel filter this week as well as running some diesel/injector cleaner through him.

All advice welcomed as ever!

A bit more info would be nice, your rough location, engine type, [ 300tdi I suspect but you never know] any other recent engine work done?
Td5 not my main area of knowledge but fuel filter change would be a good start to solve issue. Why have you gone for a new wastegate? I would recon an issue there would affect power in all gears.
Others on this forum have more knowledge on the Td5 and its electronic's.
For process of elimination have you tried driving without the fuel cap fitted? If the vent hole becomes blocked you'll see fuel starvation under load. This is often very noticeable in 2nd gear when pulling away with engine load and required revs'.
I would recon an issue there would affect power in all gears.
TD5 is also not my area of expertise but I can confirm that if the wastegate is sticking or begining to/has seized this will effect all gears rather than be related to just one. However you also do not need to replace it if this is the case. the rod seizes in the tube not the actual wastegate so some penetrating fluid followed by working it back and forward until it moves freely solves the issue and a generous spray of grease helps stop it happening again along with regular use.