79 109 hartop camper build .

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Buggered around trying to find the fix for my TIG, eventually gave up and pushed it back in the corner and pulled out the mig . Got a wee bit done to the Chassis before tea .. Wanted to be much further on but like most plans they are in tatters :)

Welded up the corrosion under the outrigger and welded the base onto the outriggers that I made up. Gave them a coat of BONDA primer inside and coated the chassis repair before fitting the out rigger .. will get the other side done and get on with fixing the rear X member ..

:) cheers ,, just a wee bit here and there for the last 40 odd years :) That doesnt stop me making lots of mistakes though .. The original outriggers didn't appear to be boxed and the rear wing support was bolted to it .. With mine boxed in it saves the much and **** getting in and rotting out the chassis .. So I will insert a rivnut to take the bolt for the wing support.

Also decided that having the chassis blasted would be extravagant, the cost of having it done locally would be around £300 , that amount of cash would pay for the tires , so gonna just stick with a good clean up with the twist knot wire cups in the grinder .. they are brutal and work pretty good .. The bonda primer has zink and rust converter/ inhibitors, so hopefully with a good clean up the bonda primer will do the trick .. will give that time to cure before giving it a top coat which will most likely be 2k black, simply because I have a 5 litre tin of it and it brushes on great .. and dries fast with some speedy activator ..
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Some brilliant repairs there Ian! Very neat work! Your chassis will have a new lease of life once finished. I went over all of mine with the wire brush for grinder and it did take it back to bare metal really well ready for paint, didn’t take too long, messy though! Rust dust everywhere. Great preventative measures by treating the inside of the outrigger you fabricated. Enjoying watching the progress!
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Made up the patch for the other side of the chassis and welded up the outrigger, ready to fit and weld, needed to do a wee bit of grinding and dont want to upset the neighbours , so didnt get the bits welded in, but will have a grider fest on Monday . Made a start to the rear chassis extension replacements. Ammended the plates I had made previously , Im to tight to scrap the bits so I will admit to a wee bit of creative welding and filled a weldable gap with a bit of weld , Not that you'll notice when its all tidied up.. Seemed to work out well and looks fine , better than the patch work that was there previoulsy .. Didnt get the repairs completed but should get the chassis patch, outrigger and rear chassis extensions done on Monday .. That will see the rear section done so I can move forward and get the seat base and bulkhead off and get the engine and box out to comlete the chassis refurbishment .. Plan is to get the axles out as well , get the old tyres off and binned and get the road springs , wheels and props and brake back plates blasted at the local blaster ..

Whats the correct colour for landrover wheels ? is there a RAL number or common paint code ?
Made up the patch for the other side of the chassis and welded up the outrigger, ready to fit and weld, needed to do a wee bit of grinding and dont want to upset the neighbours , so didnt get the bits welded in, but will have a grider fest on Monday . Made a start to the rear chassis extension replacements. Ammended the plates I had made previously , Im to tight to scrap the bits so I will admit to a wee bit of creative welding and filled a weldable gap with a bit of weld , Not that you'll notice when its all tidied up.. Seemed to work out well and looks fine , better than the patch work that was there previoulsy .. Didnt get the repairs completed but should get the chassis patch, outrigger and rear chassis extensions done on Monday .. That will see the rear section done so I can move forward and get the seat base and bulkhead off and get the engine and box out to comlete the chassis refurbishment .. Plan is to get the axles out as well , get the old tyres off and binned and get the road springs , wheels and props and brake back plates blasted at the local blaster ..

Whats the correct colour for landrover wheels ? is there a RAL number or common paint code ?
It's usually called limestone I think. That nice slightly off white colour.
Got the seat base out, the bulkhead stripped wire loom out , just a couple of daft bolts in the dash undertray panel being awkward , will get these cut off on Tuesday , and get the bulkhead off .. Having a good look at the front outrigger , right side there is a hole on the underside of the outrigger big enough to get your finger in.. It feels like there is a ton of old flakey rust in there . Add to that 3 relatively small areas needing repair , it will be better to cut it off and see whats going on on the main chassis rail under the outrigger..

Looking at the left side, thats had a front outrigger replaced with a britpart one . Its not been put on very well so going to redo it , What I noticed with that one was that the chassis mounting face isnt the correct bepth.. by that I mean the original is the full depth of the chassis whole the brit part replacement is about 3/4 on an inch short from the bottom edge of the chassis .. Is that the standard fitment of the aftermarket parts ? I was gonna salvage that one and redo it and order another for the right side to save a bit of time , but if they dont fit as per original equipment I will just save some cash and make a pair that fit the full depth ..

Got my wheel cylinders and flexi for the rear brakes today :)
So today, got the sills off, got the bulkhead off, power washed the gearbox and front chassis area again to get the inaccessible grime off.

Pulled the front drums to check the shoes and cylinders , Cylinders look new as did the shoes on the right side, but the left side , the friction material had parted company with the shoe and the cylinders looked a bit older but still newish.. Will probably give the cylinders a good check and replace the shoes and flexis.. Drums are good .

Nipped around the suspension and discarded the front shox, Close inspection of the right side front chassis leg uncovered a wee bit of rot near the bump stop..

Got all the axle / spring U bolt nuts slackened off , spring bush bolts are another story, Bolts are stuck in the bushes so I guess they will need cut, since there is no way to get heat to them

When I get the chassis bare I will get a few things to the blasters and resume work on the hot rod stuff while I wait for the parts to get done .. Will order up some paint before we spiral downward into a new lock down..

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heres the difference between the original front outrigger and the aftermarket one "fitted" to the chassis check out the marvelous void behind the new outrigger.. I will be taking this one off and probably making replacements ..


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Not sure if you have been asked about chassis number? Do your best to preserve it if possible:)
Not sure where it is on a 79.
Got back in the shed for a couple of hours .. Got the drive shaft off, and pretty much everything undone that will allow the engine and gearbox to be pulled on Wednesday . Will just crack on and get the axles out as well and that will allow me to flip the chassis and clean and repair the areas ive uncovered along the lower edge .. Should also get the outriggers templated , and if all goes well get the old tyres off and drop the wheels and a pile of other small parts off at the blaster, will have some of the brackets and bits powder coated while there.

Checked the rear prop . There is a wee bit of play in the UJs pretty minimal so may give them a grease and see how they shape up.. There is also a little play in the sliding coupler probably around 1mm side to side .. Im not sure if this is normal or if Im just being paranoid having had a similar coupler stripping on the hot rod .. if the play in the spline isnt excessive I might get the props blasted and replace the UJs ..

will update with pics later .
Engine and gear box out , would have got on further but a neighbor stopped by excited by the sight of a stripped down chassis .. Was genuinely interested so we spent a bit of time shooting the breeze.. , I did make a start to cutting through the spring bolts .. Will be replacing the spring bushes so seemed to be the most efficient way of getting the axles separated from the chassis . I could only get so far through the bolts with a 4 inch cutting wheel ( reducing several of them to 3 inch) Will nip out later and fit a new blade in the hack saw for the last wee bit..

Next job will be to sort out what going to the blaster , whats going in the bin and whats to be cleaned up and painted . Should also manage to get the old tyres off on Thursday and drop the bits that need blasted at the blasters .. will spend the weekend on the hot rod ..

Also checked the clutch and just as thought, needs a new one..
So popped out after Coronation Street and pulled the back axle and stripped the springs off .. Considered parabolics for a couple of minutes , but really dont want to be spending on stuff thats not really needed .. so will get the originals blasted , grease them up and replace the bushes.

Templated up the outriggers i want to replace and got the wheels ready to get the tyres off and dropped at the blaster.. Phew !
