Made a bit more progress, got the brakes and clutch bled , had a few pipe leaks but nothing that wasn't half expected, all nipped up and leak free now .. Clutch was a breeze, I hear a lot about folk having issues with them,
This is how I do it :
with the clutch system set up with a new master and slave, clamp the flexi . then crack open the pipe at the top of the master, pump the pedal down and close the metal pipe, let the pedal up crack open the pipe, press the pedal , 2 or 3 presses will be fine you will see the air bubble out the union at the metal pipe . Basically your bleeding the master cylinder ..
Keep the clamp on the rubber flexi and dive under the car and open the bleed nipple on the slave cylinder. pump the pedal, it will go hard as the flexi is clamped, with the pressure on, release the clamp on the flexi, the pedal will sink hold it down and re clamp the flexi, let the pedal up and build the pressure again. hold the pressure on, open the clamp on the flexi and you will hear the air spurt out the slave . repeat the process 3 or 4 times, lock up the bleed nipple , clean up the mess and your done ..
But you already new that
Got the bulkhead buttoned down at last .. YEHHHHH

. Floor panels in , seat tub carpeted, ( yup I said carpet

) Its not old school Axminister from yer grans though,, just a bit of left over black bed liner . This is all kind camper prep .. might as well cover some of that area at this stage . Im not covering the floors or the transmission cover, leaving them as a feature LOL just rubber mats .
This is definitely the most difficult part of any build . Tying up the loose ends, doing all the finishing's and not rushing to the finish line but sticking with the plan .. Its the most expensive part of the build as well , seems like you need pretty much little trinkets and seals, pedal rubbers, trim parts, hoses , wire , switches fluids paints etc etc etc ..and finding stuff you know you took off but seem to have disappeared. Frustration sets in, But the end is in sight .. just got to keep cool and keep focused . and try not to mess it up..
Depressingly when its all buttoned up and painted, I have to take the roof off and do the prep and repairs on that, do the insulation and roof covering and prime and paint it . Im seriously thinking about doing the mid section of the roof with tinted bed liner as it is such a resilient covering .. easy to use, great cover and good protection .. would draw the line at doing it like that gutter rail to gutter rail though .. Very few people will see the mid section of the roof, its even above my abnormal eye level..
Really looking forward to rolling this out and seeing if its going to drive OK for any distance ..