4 Amigos ABS Discovery 2 TD5

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Rotem Mirzai

New Member
Hi everyone, couldn't find a clear solution to my problem after searching the forums. I have ABS trouble (shocking, I know) 3 amigos + brake light. Nanocom says: "13-04 pump failure 2 (pump not running when actuated)".
I have done the shuttle valve bypass long ago. Also checked the shuttle valve resistance and it's fine.
ABS wheel sensors seems fine, Nanocom reads consistant voltage from all of them (about 1.97), but can't read live data when driving because the nanocom stops responding (It was always like this, regardless of the current abs problem).
I have also measured the resistance of the wheel sensors, they all measured about 1100 ohms.
After I delete the fault and restart the car engine, the fault appears again when the abs / traction is needed (lite offroad, such)..
Any ideas?


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Hi, why would you check the SVS or sensors which have nothing to do with this fault as it's clearely about the return pump? so first of all check fusible link FL11, and fuse F11, if these ar OK swap relays R10(pump) with R8(heated screen) to rule out the relay, if these are ruled out remove relay R10 and bridge the perpendicular cavities in the fusebox(where the contact goes) with a wire and listen if you hear the pump buzzing) if no sound unplug the pump(the round two pin connector at the modulator- C0507) and measure resistance across the pins to the pump, IIRC it should be around 4,7 ohm... if it's open circuit you need a new modulator... if the resistance is OK then it's a wiring issue which meeds complex troubleshooting, you have indications here https://www.rswsolutions.com/index....odes/64-013pump-fail-pump-not-running-when-on , connector views on the same site https://www.rswsolutions.com/index.php/discovery-ii-abs-connectors . Good luck, come back with the results or next time you'll be neglected
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Hi, been busy for a while. Thanks for the detailed response.
Checked the fuses and relay - they're ok.
Bridged the perpendicular cavities in the fusebox where the abs pump relay sitts and the pump started buzzing. Works fine...
Also checked the brake light switch, as I heard it can cause abs problems, but it's fine..
Still having the same fault, and 3 amigos + brake light on..
Bridged the perpendicular cavities in the fusebox where the abs pump relay sitts and the pump started buzzing. Works fine...
Also checked the brake light switch, as I heard it can cause abs problems, but it's fine..
So you ruled out only the circuit between the relay and pump and the pump, did you at least replace the relay to rule that out too?

i gave you the link where there are clear instructions to troubleshoot that particular fault code you've got so follow that not what you heard about the brake switch cos who said that has no ideea how this system works, the brake switch has exactly zero effect in your case, actually on a D2 it will not trigger the 3 amigos whatsoever
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1 - the fuse is ok
2 - the relay is ok, I also replaced it with another one.
4 - there IS continuity
5 - there IS continuity
6 - there IS continuity
7 - I didn't understand what is the meaning by "Possible open circuit".. I HAVE continuity between the C0507/2 (B) to Ground. is that ok?
8 - what do you mean by investigate? when I initiate a power bleed circle from the Nanocom, the pump is working..

what else can it be?..
thank you so muck for your help so far.
OK, unfortunately at this point the SLABS ECU becomes suspect, you'll have to replace that to rule it out, good used ones are not very expensive
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