reading up info before i start extensive bodywork on my 300 tdi disco.
got it recently by trading in a v6 freelander for it, 'spares or repairs' on both vehicles. ive owned two 300 tdi's and one 200 previously, but moving into the middle of Looe town 3 years ago meant bye bye disco due to stupid narrow access to my allocated parking. not an issue anymore thank God!
the upper bodywork of the disco is spotless, the interior is very good, the engine, gears and transfer etc all in top order, but the underside looks' like its been parked in a rockpool for a decade !:doh:
yep, lots of red rusty stuff and holes you can put yer arm through!
i've had good info on replacing boot floor with summat more permanent and meaty from 'beast o bodmin' (cheers chap-i'll be in touch soon for panel when prepwork done).
what i would like now is detailed info with pics if poss reference to cutting away whats left (VERY little) of the sills and replacing them with stronger box section steel with the option of welding on some tubular steel tree fenders to the sides of new box section sills to act as a step for my other half and to protect doors when ragging it around the farm.
what dimention box section did you guys use?
can i just disc-cut off old sills flush to floor and weld box section straight to it? (is puddle weld alone ok or is it best to seam weld along it also?)
thanks for help guys.