Ok, found a thick plastic bottle with a disc around the neck that, with a bit of force, fitted exactly in the filler cap hole. Topped it up as seen in photo and started her up, as temp rose there was movement in the bottle so I started squeezing the top rad pipe, sure enough, bubbles

left it running for 5, squeezed again, more bubbles, then it started to bubble on it's own, when that stopped I squeezed again more bubbles, left it a few minutes squeezed again, more bubbles, then it went mad and bubbled like crazy, water came over the top of the bottle but it died down as quick as it had come up. I was pretty please at this point I must admit. Squeezed again, no bubbles, that's when I now assume I should have stopped and turned her off (damned hindsight

) because very soon after it blew everything as it totally boiled over, water over the bottle, the bottle out the hole (it was in tight!) and me diving to turn her off being sprayed in somewhat hot water

. Filled her up as she cooled down, started her up, watched the thermostat open via the expansion tank, put the cap on and watched the temp gauge rise, even putting the heater on full didn't stop the rise this time. I think I may just be back to square one, perhaps even square zero