Here's a strange one, Driving home after work and all of a sudden a drop of power then a noise from the what I thought was the Turbo.
Strip down the next day expecting a total mess and blown Turbo. Instead I found what looked like a washer in the Filter pipe.
The fins have taken a bit of a battering and one slightly broken. I checked movement and all seem fine. Took the Landy for a spin and all seem's fine except for a different sound when the Turbo spins up.
I'm guessing that its the shape that it is now that's changed the pitch. Anyone any idea where this washer came from?. And am I looking at another Turbo ASAP as its only a matter of time before it goes due to the damage.
Took a close look at the filter and there's no problem there nothing fallen of or loose.
All thoughts ideas welcome, Oh anyone with a Turbo??!!.
Pics attached.
Strip down the next day expecting a total mess and blown Turbo. Instead I found what looked like a washer in the Filter pipe.
The fins have taken a bit of a battering and one slightly broken. I checked movement and all seem fine. Took the Landy for a spin and all seem's fine except for a different sound when the Turbo spins up.
I'm guessing that its the shape that it is now that's changed the pitch. Anyone any idea where this washer came from?. And am I looking at another Turbo ASAP as its only a matter of time before it goes due to the damage.
Took a close look at the filter and there's no problem there nothing fallen of or loose.
All thoughts ideas welcome, Oh anyone with a Turbo??!!.
Pics attached.