200tdi tapping!!!

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chris freestone

Active Member
Hey all, got a new proble. With my engine and hopein i can get some suggestions for what it might be?!? Done a service on my hole car lastweek and it was running beautifully after lovely and quite (well for a landy :) ) untill i went for a play this weekend, lots lovely deep wet mud and got stuck lots of times.... And since my engine is runnin alot noiser and had developed a tap tap tap in rythim with the engine. It has no apparent affect on the running of the engine starts fine and not under power no smoke... My thoughts are maybe bent pushrod and tappits?? What do u think?

Thanks chris
I had a tapping on my 300tdi last year, check exhaust manifold bolts are all tight and for any soot marks around where it bolts to the engine could indicate knackered gasket. Thats what mine was, sounds like what you're describing.
Hey people thanks for your responses and sorry for my very late reply . Been vwry busy! Got round to havin a look at it today, defenetly nothin wrong with the exhaust gasket, have had all my pushrods out and nothin wrong there or apearingly with the tappits.... So im starting to think the timmimg is out? It has begun to get harder to start in the mornimgs and the tapping is very apparent when the engine is cold plus smokimg alot until it gets warm..... It all seems to get better as the engine warms up. But defo abit under power. Am i on the right trak and is there an easy way to check before i start stripping the rad and timing chest?

Thanks chris
Hey people thanks for your responses and sorry for my very late reply . Been vwry busy! Got round to havin a look at it today, defenetly nothin wrong with the exhaust gasket, have had all my pushrods out and nothin wrong there or apearingly with the tappits.... So im starting to think the timmimg is out? It has begun to get harder to start in the mornimgs and the tapping is very apparent when the engine is cold plus smokimg alot until it gets warm..... It all seems to get better as the engine warms up. But defo abit under power. Am i on the right trak and is there an easy way to check before i start stripping the rad and timing chest?

Thanks chris
Piston slap is sometimes more noticeable on a cold engine.
Hey people thanks for your responses and sorry for my very late reply . Been vwry busy! Got round to havin a look at it today, defenetly nothin wrong with the exhaust gasket, have had all my pushrods out and nothin wrong there or apearingly with the tappits.... So im starting to think the timmimg is out? It has begun to get harder to start in the mornimgs and the tapping is very apparent when the engine is cold plus smokimg alot until it gets warm..... It all seems to get better as the engine warms up. But defo abit under power. Am i on the right trak and is there an easy way to check before i start stripping the rad and timing chest?

Thanks chris

did you check all the valves opened fully and smoothly first
not easily if its all stripped down ,it can show up bent valve or worn follower or timing issue,worth slackening each injector nut in turn see if that makes a difference
Could be an injector !

Try slackening off each injector union with the engine going to see if the tapping changes/goes away !

I had the same tapping on a 200 tdi that was so bad and smoky it would'nt drive, tried everything (timing,injectors,tappets,valves,lift pump,vacuem pump etc..) with no luck !

Plan's changed and it got sold on, buyer promised to let me know what it was if he fixed it but he never did :mad: I reckon it was a little end bearing !

Good luck !
Could be an injector !

Try slackening off each injector union with the engine going to see if the tapping changes/goes away !

I had the same tapping on a 200 tdi that was so bad and smoky it would'nt drive, tried everything (timing,injectors,tappets,valves,lift pump,vacuem pump etc..) with no luck !

Plan's changed and it got sold on, buyer promised to let me know what it was if he fixed it but he never did :mad: I reckon it was a little end bearing !

Good luck !

Maybe he never fixed it and just put another engine in it. Saves a lot of guessing games.
Hey so had another look today, tried loosenin injectors to no avail however the front injector has oil comeing out from around it when loose! What does that mean sure it shldnt be happenin? Also i checked my pump timing and it was slightly out, adjustedit it via the 3 bolts under the plate on the timing chest..... Does this suhgest maybe the cam shaft timing could be out aswell?
Right so ive got the head off now, nothin wrong with valves all looks inorder no signs of anything bad. I know the timing is right atleast for the fuel pump.... So am i now lookin at a broke piston ring?