I'm nearing 60 and I love my 110 to bits but cronky knees and back are taking their toll on me now

I make biodiesel and I need a more comfy bus to run around in and love landrovers so a P38 diesel seems ideal being veg oil tolerant too.
However, I'm very old skool, never really moved with the times and I've never owned a car with ECU's or anything, my 200tdi 110 is joyously simple in that respect.
I know I'll need a nanocom? From what I've picked up from reading posts and maybe a few other tools too, mechanical stuff doesn't scare me , complicated electronics and auto boxes do even though I've never owned an auto.
Maybe auto P38's are better than manuals? Is there a particular year of P38 where niggles were ironed out or indeed, where they got worse?
I want a real clean one not a project, hoping to keep it that way.
Is there a comprehensive buyer's guide anywhere, I've found vague ones which have just scared me more.