Hi guys I'm hoping your wealth of knowledge may help me as I have got mixed views from practical caravan.
Basically I am fitting a 12 s socket. I have bought a pre wired one from eBay but there is confusion with the instructions.
The written part says to feed 2 wires from the battery live into the relay. However.....
The diagram shows 1 feed from the battery that goes into a fuse then splits into 2 wires which feed into the relay.
The meterials I have been sent include:
5 meter live cable,1 25 amp in line fuse with 2 connections, a relay and the socket and connectors.
As I have got just enough live wire for 1 battery connection, the written istruction part doesn't make sense. However.....
If the diagram was correct why is there not 3 connections on the fuse,there is just enough for 1 in and out connection.
To put another spin on it, the fuse seems to large an amperage for the wire?
How have you guys wired up yours?
Basically I am fitting a 12 s socket. I have bought a pre wired one from eBay but there is confusion with the instructions.
The written part says to feed 2 wires from the battery live into the relay. However.....
The diagram shows 1 feed from the battery that goes into a fuse then splits into 2 wires which feed into the relay.
The meterials I have been sent include:
5 meter live cable,1 25 amp in line fuse with 2 connections, a relay and the socket and connectors.
As I have got just enough live wire for 1 battery connection, the written istruction part doesn't make sense. However.....
If the diagram was correct why is there not 3 connections on the fuse,there is just enough for 1 in and out connection.
To put another spin on it, the fuse seems to large an amperage for the wire?
How have you guys wired up yours?