Well, There's nothing like a house move to slow things down!
May 28th Was my last comment on this thread, and we're now just over 2 months on from that point! I have done some more stuff though - including 2 near-serious-injury incidents!
NOTE TO ALL... When taking a landy apart, start at the top and work your way down.... DO NOT remove the axles first!!!
so, as far as the new chassis goes, this is the progression (Photo's to be added this evening):
New shiny chassis:
then a thorough wash with soapy water to degrease (use meths if you're feeling flash!)
Then first coating of Mordant Solution (Acid wash / T-Wash)

Then another thorough wash with soapy water
2nd coating of Modant solution
Then a wash with soapy water and about 4 or 5 standard yellow & green scouring sponges.... you'll destroy them as you go, but you need them to scrub the salt deposits off the surface of the metal.
Then a wash with plain hot water
Then leave to dry for 2 days (obviously mop up any obvious pools of standing water)
Then apply a coat of Acid Etch Primer (I use U-Pol Acid #8)... TIP.... wear goggles!!!! This stuff melted through my latex gloves, and then I managed to get a big drip in my eye whilst doing the underside!!!! OMG that hurt!!!! My looked quite dodgy for a good few days afterwards.... it's a nasty acid!
That's as far as I've got with the painting, but I did attempt to do a 2nd coat of acid etch, and realised that was quite silly of me... The acid just eats into the 1st coat!!! I have since bought some grey oxide primer to form the 2nd coat of primer / undercoat. This paint job is only really to hide the galv.... I'll be filling the chassis with something waxy with regularity.
The other thing that I tried to move forward with (having found a v8 r380 bell housing) was to get the 300tdi r380 box out of the donor vehicle.... After a good couple of hours working in/over/under the vehicle, I got to point where the engine crane was through the cab, taking the weight of the gearbox, and the bell housing was coming away from the engine - only about 1 inch of input shaft left connected......
The bloody thing fell over!!! Luckily I had just crawled out of the cab at the time, but it if had been 1 min earlier, I would have been underneath... and would now be dead! It really did give me the willys for a few days afterwards. Clearly the tripod axle stands which were holding the chassis were not fit for this amount of work. In the end I had to get my mate to come round with a 2nd 3 tonne trolly jack, and we managed to get it up, and then set the chassis down resting on the old wheels & tyres.
I guess my next job here is to take the landy apart from the front end, working backwards.... I guess that I can the engine out of the front, and then recover the gearbox after that. The garage needs a serious tidy-up, then I will have room to store all of the body panels.
OK, that'll do for now.... in summary, that chassis is now acid washed, and acid etched. The gearbox is still stuck in the donor, and I have a renewed fear of working under vehicles.