I am a new Landrover owner from Norway and have purchased a Freelander that have just passed 119.000 km.
In 4th gear, around 2000-3000 RPM and aprox 60-80 km/h not only the steering wheel, but the whole car starts vibrating heavily - especially when increasing speed or pushing the throttle up a hill. This is also happening in 5th gear up to around 80-85 km/h, when the vibrations decreases.
Downhill (or when the foot leaves the throttle pedal) there is no significant vibration anymore, but it seems that the steering sort of "lives its own life". It feels like the car e.g. first pulls a little to the right, when I compensate with steering to the left, it suddenly "oversteers" a little to the left, then I have to steer to the right again to "balance" the car. This can go back and forth some times befor the car comes back on track again.
It feels creepy driving a car like this, and I wonder if anyone have any suggestions on where to start searching for faults.
I am a new Landrover owner from Norway and have purchased a Freelander that have just passed 119.000 km.
In 4th gear, around 2000-3000 RPM and aprox 60-80 km/h not only the steering wheel, but the whole car starts vibrating heavily - especially when increasing speed or pushing the throttle up a hill. This is also happening in 5th gear up to around 80-85 km/h, when the vibrations decreases.
Downhill (or when the foot leaves the throttle pedal) there is no significant vibration anymore, but it seems that the steering sort of "lives its own life". It feels like the car e.g. first pulls a little to the right, when I compensate with steering to the left, it suddenly "oversteers" a little to the left, then I have to steer to the right again to "balance" the car. This can go back and forth some times befor the car comes back on track again.
It feels creepy driving a car like this, and I wonder if anyone have any suggestions on where to start searching for faults.