Nobody likes a long post, but please, take the time to help a fella out.
Rubbish Weekend!
Guys, i hope someone can help.
My 2017 3ltr needed some TLC, Brake warning light and MOT moaned about lipped front discs.
Replaced front Drives side yesterday with no issue.
Today, went to do the passenger side and the T50 guide screw would NOT move! - snapped a T50 bit, bought a new one from Halfrauds and then it rounded out the screw head, luckily that disc wasn't bad so ive left in place - short of drilling it out what other options do i have? Weld a nut on?
So. i moved onto the rear, engaged parking brake maintenance mode, waited for the motor to stop; my dad is old school and kept going on about just taking the motor off and winding back in manually, i was like Noooo we dont need to pops. lets just run with it and let the technology be great. Everything cleaned off new shims and pads in place then it hit... the piston had no moved back in far enough. tried to wind it but wouldnt budge, again, my dad.. just take off the motor Son... No pops, we dont need too...
I jumped back in to the car thinking i had not engaged correctly, did it again. and then disaster, the bloody motor went to re-engage and wound the piston right out, the seal is still in place but there was some brake fluid lost.
Why the hell is there not an auto stop on these buggers.
I have left the car there tonight still in situ, today was a write off, it was snowing then pouring down and i was cold and wet and VERY miffed off.
SO! Guys, Who else has this happened too? Who can advise on what the next steps are? Is it knackered? what do i do about the lost fluid; i read that i need a LR Diag machine to engage the ABS pump to repressurise?
Dad seems to think he will be able to sort it tomorrow by knocking the motor off, reseating the piston and winding it back on, i have a gut feeling this wont be so easy.
OH, and in other news, its a good job i have some new rubber....
Is it Camber or tracking that causes this awful wear?
Nobody likes a long post, but please, take the time to help a fella out.
Rubbish Weekend!
Guys, i hope someone can help.
My 2017 3ltr needed some TLC, Brake warning light and MOT moaned about lipped front discs.
Replaced front Drives side yesterday with no issue.
Today, went to do the passenger side and the T50 guide screw would NOT move! - snapped a T50 bit, bought a new one from Halfrauds and then it rounded out the screw head, luckily that disc wasn't bad so ive left in place - short of drilling it out what other options do i have? Weld a nut on?
So. i moved onto the rear, engaged parking brake maintenance mode, waited for the motor to stop; my dad is old school and kept going on about just taking the motor off and winding back in manually, i was like Noooo we dont need to pops. lets just run with it and let the technology be great. Everything cleaned off new shims and pads in place then it hit... the piston had no moved back in far enough. tried to wind it but wouldnt budge, again, my dad.. just take off the motor Son... No pops, we dont need too...
I jumped back in to the car thinking i had not engaged correctly, did it again. and then disaster, the bloody motor went to re-engage and wound the piston right out, the seal is still in place but there was some brake fluid lost.
Why the hell is there not an auto stop on these buggers.
I have left the car there tonight still in situ, today was a write off, it was snowing then pouring down and i was cold and wet and VERY miffed off.
SO! Guys, Who else has this happened too? Who can advise on what the next steps are? Is it knackered? what do i do about the lost fluid; i read that i need a LR Diag machine to engage the ABS pump to repressurise?
Dad seems to think he will be able to sort it tomorrow by knocking the motor off, reseating the piston and winding it back on, i have a gut feeling this wont be so easy.
OH, and in other news, its a good job i have some new rubber....
Is it Camber or tracking that causes this awful wear?