Disco 1 "Cold Morning's" how do you deal with them!

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Active Member
Aberdare - South Wales
As the title says how do you guys deal with cold morning's. My disco 1 300TDI don't seem to be able to warm up EVER lol. By this i mean if im not driving up a steep hill or down a fast road (50mph +) then it just wont warm up. It's that bad i can climb one side of a mountain get to the top and be just up to "normal" running temp but by the time i've coasted down the other side in 3rd or 4th its cold again.

That brings me to cold morning's, If/When there is frost and its mighty cold what do you guys do to defrost the screens and warm up the inside lol.
Someone out there must have come up with a solution to this i can't have the only 300TDI that just never gets warm lol
As the title says how do you guys deal with cold morning's. My disco 1 300TDI don't seem to be able to warm up EVER lol. By this i mean if im not driving up a steep hill or down a fast road (50mph +) then it just wont warm up. It's that bad i can climb one side of a mountain get to the top and be just up to "normal" running temp but by the time i've coasted down the other side in 3rd or 4th its cold again.

That brings me to cold morning's, If/When there is frost and its mighty cold what do you guys do to defrost the screens and warm up the inside lol.
Someone out there must have come up with a solution to this i can't have the only 300TDI that just never gets warm lol

Do you have a thermostat? And if so, does it work?
do u think i will be sworn at if i say i start the engine , press a button and the fbh kicks in

now that's really useful isn't it ;)

time to take cover i think :p:D
lol you dont have a misses and 2 kids on the bike with you im happy to just deal with it haha.

yes i have a thermostat and i assume it works it go's up and down and the air from the blowers go's up and down with it lol.
daft question if i may

is the antifreeze ok

could the heater matrix be blocked ,

vent flaps closing properly between hot and cold
daft question if i may
is the antifreeze ok
could the heater matrix be blocked ,
vent flaps closing properly between hot and cold

Antifreeze is ALL new flushed it less than a week ago while doing the P-Gasket drained it from everywhere including the engine block plug flushed it through and then when putting it back together i managed to fit 11 liters in there so without taking it all to bits i assume its clear lol
No heater on my motorbike commute mate.

How do I deal with cold mornings ? Shut up and get on with it.
A bike I used to have had a heater:D
lol you dont have a misses and 2 kids on the bike with you im happy to just deal with it haha.

yes i have a thermostat and i assume it works it go's up and down and the air from the blowers go's up and down with it lol.
Time to bleed the air out of the system fella :rolleyes:
someone more experienced than me will put me right

but as it goes hot and cold , would it help by leaving the expansion vessel cap off to make sure there's no hidden air in there until it warms up

i don't know enough about these but just sounds like air is going around, acccording to if it's going up or down a hill

could there be air or junk inside the heater matrix

assume if the water pump was playing up the engine would overheat
As the title says how do you guys deal with cold morning's. My disco 1 300TDI don't seem to be able to warm up EVER lol. By this i mean if im not driving up a steep hill or down a fast road (50mph +) then it just wont warm up. It's that bad i can climb one side of a mountain get to the top and be just up to "normal" running temp but by the time i've coasted down the other side in 3rd or 4th its cold again.

That brings me to cold morning's, If/When there is frost and its mighty cold what do you guys do to defrost the screens and warm up the inside lol.
Someone out there must have come up with a solution to this i can't have the only 300TDI that just never gets warm lol

Well little one I will tell you what I do on a cold frosty morning. If there is a load of snow on my car, I brush it off with a soft nylon bristle broom. Start the car to begin warm up (FBH not working yet) Snow or no snow if the windows are frosted up. I fill the kettle and let it warm up so it is hot enough and comfortable so I can stick my finger in it. Then pour on windows and mirrors with the step wiper going as I do the windows. If you still have a bit of frost here and there just repeat. You can have the car ready to drive in less than 5 minutes. And before you all bang on about cracking your window screen. That’s rubbish! I have been using this method since my first car a MK2 Escort and I have never cracked a screen once! So there :p
Well little one I will tell you what I do on a cold frosty morning. If there is a load of snow on my car, I brush it off with a soft nylon bristle broom. Start the car to begin warm up (FBH not working yet) Snow or no snow if the windows are frosted up. I fill the kettle and let it warm up so it is hot enough and comfortable so I can stick my finger in it. Then pour on windows and mirrors with the step wiper going as I do the windows. If you still have a bit of frost here and there just repeat. You can have the car ready to drive in less than 5 minutes. And before you all bang on about cracking your window screen. That’s rubbish! I have been using this method since my first car a MK2 Escort and I have never cracked a screen once! So there :p

agree ref defrosting windows

when i had to clear the work van , as long as it's just tepid and not boiling it's fine

did see a neighbour some 10 x years ago where she poured a boiling kettle of water on a screen, is quite hard trying to explain the noise as the screen slowly cracked

don't know what was noisier, the screen or her husband shouting verbal abuse at her
agree ref defrosting windows

when i had to clear the work van , as long as it's just tepid and not boiling it's fine

did see a neighbour some 10 x years ago where she poured a boiling kettle of water on a screen, is quite hard trying to explain the noise as the screen slowly cracked

don't know what was noisier, the screen or her husband shouting verbal abuse at her
LOL Agree never pour boiling water on a cold screen. you will Titanic it (Ref to the new Titanic sinking theory)
You WELSH are so tight :eek: get your hand in your pocket & get a NEW thermostat !:D:D:p:p:p

is that what u think it is , faulty thermostat

so as they fail , do they then open and close at the wrong temperature

thing i don't understand is why is goes hot and cold according to either going up , or down a hill , unless possible air

don't get me wrong , u have far more experience than me , just trying to understand , thks
not a great attempt but there's a photoshop of the temp ranges i get lol

also to clear something up i can run the temp up on a fast road thats flat and cool it by driving on the flat under 50mph so hills are not the problem just near me i have more hills to use to heat it up than fast roads lol


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