Freelander Friendship Agreement

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Lord Hippo
As one of the many long suffering Freelander owners on ere, I have taken the liberty of requesting a reduction in the amount of abuse un **** taking Freelanders and their owners receive on LandyZone. This request was made on behalf of all Freelanders and their owners, who venture onto LandyZone. After an in depth discussion wiff one of the more senior tratters boys on ere, we have come to the agreement that the following new :rulez: will apply from this day forth, unless another agreement supersedes:

diesel = no abuse
v6 = some abuse
1.8 = no mercy

Bank holidays = no abuse for any Freelander or it’s owner

I think the above is a good start in providing a reduction in the abuse we receive, and would like to thank Fanatic fer his kind consideration to my request. I think his valuable involvement in this decision, on behalf of all tartters boys on ere, shows a level of leadership not seen before, on such an important topic.

For those wishing to see the full discussion on the 20th April 2011, I’ve put a copy of the relevant posts below. Reason being its part way through a massive argument on ere (no surprise there) which bears no relation to such an important topic as that which this agreement covers.

I trust the above agreement meets wiff the satisfaction of all Freelanders and their owners, as a way forward to make a betterer future for us all.

Could we extend this ere new friendship we av to the Freelander owners, and stop taking the **** out of em too?

Meet you half way if it is diesel no abuse, if it's a v6 some abuse and a 1.8 no mercy:D

Agreed. :)

But all Freelander owners get bank holiday orf too. :)

Can manage that:D
:pop2: So its not true wot they say about the I won't say it, I will abide by the truce. TBH I would have a diesel Freelander if my purse allowed, not just my Series.
As a gaylandero (I thought gaylanderers should have a singular name).
I although unable to speak for my gaylandero comrades i will try to abide by this agreement.......but if any one of the trator boys interferes with me prize sheep agin it's fukin the way mines a doozel so please ignore this n' peace n' all that
....... Hippo your a Saint:cool:

I am now only subject to 'some abuse' since I have a petrol V6 (that has not failed me yet!)

I shall deem this day "Saint Hippo" day henceforth! :D
Ha! get a td4 you v6 slut else us n' the tratter boys will get yeh:D
You int supposed ta pick on fellow Freelander owners. Especially the v6 ones. My eninge int failed either. But the original one did. :doh:
I know ...but it'll just take time for us not to have a go without thinkin'........we're normally allways on the defensive :lvhug-035:
As it's a bank holiday today all freelanders are a fantastic bit of kit and the owners are all hetrosexuals :D
As it's a bank holiday I thought I might have look around a few forecourts to see of there are any of those lovely freelanders for sale. My neighbour has one, and despite the fact that he has a boyfriend called Rupert, he is NOT gay at all.
Not really.
I spent some time looking through your posts.In between the numerous posts on word association ,there's a lot of "gaylander" bashing.

I wouldnt say that there's "a lot" bashing coming from me. Some, yes, but not a lot. To put it differently: I dont use every reason and opportunity I get. And I know one who...
oh, bank holiday

They're nice people, arent they? :D