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  1. B

    Can I remove the hazard?

    Thanks everyone, I`ve got enough info to repair or replace now.
  2. B

    Can I remove the hazard?

    Am I right in thinking that if I follow the loom behind the instrument panel, it`ll be a "plug in"?
  3. B

    Can I remove the hazard?

    D90Mitch......As it is at present, the switch bulb flashes and you can hear the flasher relay (round can type with 2 pins) but the external flashers don`t work and neither do the dash warning lights.
  4. B

    Can I remove the hazard?

    The hazards on my 1980 series III don`t work, (they are the push/pull switch type with a 2 pin flasher unit in the auxillary switch panel) .Do these switches cause a lot of trouble? (Tried disconnecting the wires from the switch but then normal indicators stop working). As pre 85 Landys don`t...
  5. B

    The yellow lever

    I have a similar problem, the 4wd lever doesn`t seem to do anything, it just moves up and down with no resistance. Could this be the same fault?
  6. B

    Newbie (well Old newbie!)

    Hi everyone, joined to find out about DIY on Landrovers as dealers cost so much. Got a running SIII with 200tdi just fitted.