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  1. J

    another loss of power/acceleration thread

    No warning lights at all. It is a little bit more smokey than it used to be, but not excessively so.
  2. J

    another loss of power/acceleration thread

    Right, ive been and tightened all of the clamps, there was a little bit of slack, but not much. got 500 yards down the road & power died again :mad: I tried to listen to the noise a bit closer tonight, it gets louder & louder as I go up the revs, and is really loud and whistley when at high...
  3. J

    another loss of power/acceleration thread

    Thanks for the advice, I'l check how tight they are when I get home. Any ideas on why flicking the ignition off & on (it doesn't even need to be enough to cut the engine) brings the power back?
  4. J

    another loss of power/acceleration thread

    Yeh, that was recommended to me. Ive replaced them with some silicone hoses just to be safe, but the old ones didnt seem too bad or have any noticeable splits
  5. J

    another loss of power/acceleration thread

    Hi all, I know these threads are a regular occurrence, and I apologise for making another one. I've had a couple of issues that I haven't seen mentioned in the other threads so thought the problem might be related to these. I noticed recently that the engine was making a whistling /...
  6. J

    loud banging underneath freelander

    Hi again, Just thought I would update you with the latest.. I took it back to the Garage who changed the tyres over, but vibration has continued and the smell is getting worse. So back again, they have now said the rear tyres have worn around the outer edge, and the Diff is leaking from a...
  7. J

    First time Landy owner checking in

    Hi all, Bewildered Freelander owner here. As you may guess from my imaginative username my name is Jamie, from a very wet Mid - Wales. Have owned my Freelander for 12 months now, I decided on it as we moved out into the country, and needed something that still drove ok on the roads but...
  8. J

    loud banging underneath freelander

    I bloody wish it was. :(
  9. J

    loud banging underneath freelander

    Right folks, I went back to the garage that changed my tyres originally, they told me that you only had to put the new tyres on the rear on older freelanders because it causes uneven / lumpy tyre wear? is this right? Also, he said that it smelled really strong of burning oil / transmission...
  10. J

    loud banging underneath freelander

    So obvious you wouldn't have thought an land rover "specialist" would have done it eh?
  11. J

    loud banging underneath freelander

    No, I haven't sorry. I'll do it now. I had two tyres changed recently on the front at a land rover specialist. Having read around, this seems BAD. Could this be the issue? If so, how much damage could have been done?
  12. J

    loud banging underneath freelander

    Hi all, Hope someone can help. For a while now I've had a sort of rhythmic whirring sound when I've got up to about 50mph. I've only been doing short runs to work and back. Tonight however, I had to go on a bit of a longer journey. After about 10 miles, there was a really strong smell of...
  13. J

    td4 Loss of power, please help. Garage useless!!

    loose intercooler pipe apparently
  14. J

    td4 Loss of power, please help. Garage useless!!

    Im not sure to be honest, ive only had it a couple of months. Latest from the garage is "it does sound noisy to be fair, but sort of engine noisy" . Beggars belief.
  15. J

    td4 Loss of power, please help. Garage useless!!

    Hi All, Apologies that my first post on here is a question. I have searched the forum, but couldnt find anything that matched what going on with my freelander at the minute. It is currently in the garage, who have just phoned to say they "cant see much wrong with it" :rolleyes: I was...