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  1. L

    lost key

    getting it started would be the best, the button is a thing i've always wanted, i have a small insignificant button for the plugs currently, aswell as the customary 1/2 doz disconnected and sundry switches,now a useless barrel, old used off road (hence dented as hell) and slow. not really the...
  2. L

    Cough Cough its Smoky!

    no i've hoarded them all for the stem seal shortage shortly predicted, fancy some???
  3. L

    lost key

    gotcha, then crossin' the wires will start it. or a starter button, always fancied one, big and red .. :D :D :D
  4. L

    Cough Cough its Smoky!

    mine was stem seals......
  5. L

    lost key

  6. L

    lost key

    seems the norm for this thing... i will try taping them together, ireckon that will just turn the stearter over before the plugs have warmed. or ...... not sure really.:mad::confused::eek:
  7. L

    lost key

    i had two keys. one turned all the power on. the other (lost) turned the glow on and then started it. new to all this lark.
  8. L

    lost key

    The wires at the end of the barrel i presume... nice and cheap, enough dosh for pint with footy. cheers:cool: Cool
  9. L

    lost key

    aargh . I've lost the glow and ignition key for my diesel 11 a. Got the power one though. Can i replace the barrel with some switches? or do i have to replace the barrel ? Any other suggestions? Skint>>>