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  1. Tony Monsantoe

    Unidentified component in the engine bay

    yes they can be far away from the pedal assembly as some i have seen had them on the passengers side near the carby. but yes it is defo a booster as you can see the brake pipes going to it. if it was to play up youd not really need it to be honest.
  2. Tony Monsantoe

    Unidentified component in the engine bay

    its a remote booster, i think some landrovers used them in australia, and i think it was the series2a's that had them as they had no brake booster as the series 3's had and i think they used them on ones that towed heavy loads, but defo will be a brake booster.
  3. Tony Monsantoe

    Smokey Dipstick

    thermostat (stat) but if its breathing out the dipstick sounds like it has blowby either the rings are getting clogged up with carbon or the crankcase is not venting well through the breather. if you remove the oil filler cap when its running and you see mist or say smoke or air blowing from the...
  4. Tony Monsantoe

    Series 3 Weber 32/34 DTML on 2.25 petrol vapour lock woes

    do they sell that in the uk, i recall years ago they had it but it was a leaded stuff and w2hen unleaded came in its all marketed as unleaded but at different octane ratings we have 91 which is the low end 95 and 98, all of those are unleaded as is fuels now, but i noticed that the higher...
  5. Tony Monsantoe

    series battery

    looks like yuasa is a rubbish brtand now i heard lots say they have no faith in that brand now, the oem batteries used in some toyotas was not even yuasa some fs brand or panasonic and i found out the oem batteries get a long time my parents corolla got almost 10 years i think before it was...
  6. Tony Monsantoe

    Series 3 Weber 32/34 DTML on 2.25 petrol vapour lock woes

    i used to get vapor lock all the time and others i spoke to had never heard of it, its like a odd one that only very few will get it and others never, fuel is shi-te today it aint like it used to be, even with no lead it still is sh-it as early unleaded fuel in australia was good i only really...
  7. Tony Monsantoe

    S3 power steering opinions please?

    gosh a s3 with bmw power and disco axles, you need to show some pics of it so far..
  8. Tony Monsantoe

    1966 Series 2a diesel to petrol swap

    if you can get hold of the bell housing and flywheel and starter from a petrol you might be better going that way.
  9. Tony Monsantoe

    Series petrol Ignition issues possible bad condenser

    i got new ngk plugs BP5ES which are non resistor type ones and a new lead from the coil as the coil terminal on the cap corrodes a lot i have noticed but none of the other caps ends to plugs corrode. its going ok for now im still a bit skeptical as there is something that causes the condenser to...
  10. Tony Monsantoe

    Series petrol Ignition issues possible bad condenser

    yes ok then. also i think i have resisitor plugs and resistor leads so that could be my issue as in the past i ran resistor plugs as i had supressed leads and i had a bad condenser.
  11. Tony Monsantoe

    Series petrol Ignition issues possible bad condenser

    it has no ballast resisitor but my plugs are resistor type plugs i think the leads are ohh yeah they could be resistor or as they stamp on leads here supression type leads, the coil i did replace recently as the older one i had on was giving much different ohm readings to the new one, i have a...
  12. Tony Monsantoe

    Series petrol Ignition issues possible bad condenser

    yes ok thanks i will have a look at that tomorrow its 7:30pm here.
  13. Tony Monsantoe

    Series petrol Ignition issues possible bad condenser

    on the + and - of the coil, first was engine off and second was with it running. its been like this for years, but i have added a few more gauges over the past few years and they run from the back of the spare terminal in the ignition switch i have the early type ignition switch that has the...
  14. Tony Monsantoe

    Series petrol Ignition issues possible bad condenser

    yes good parts they are for the lucas distributor i have not yet did anything with the wiring from the ignition switch to the fuse and to the coil, ok power off voltage about 11.8v and when running it is 6 to 7 v and thats with the pos and neg on the coil. see it normally does it after several...
  15. Tony Monsantoe

    Series petrol Ignition issues possible bad condenser

    Hello everyone, so for the past few years i seem to have condensers go bad and it is like every few 1000 k's the condenser gets bad and the engine will die when at highway speeds and backfire due to no ignition at the time, now i have replaced the coil and have checked all connections and points...
  16. Tony Monsantoe

    Gearbox identification

    ahh ok i read somewhere that they reckon the length of movement on 3rd to 4th was shorter then 1st to 2nd and i assumed it was right but it might not be, ohh i have driven a series 3 109 and i think it was a inline 2.6 6cyl and it did have shorter run from 3rd to 4th. it might differ on some maybe.
  17. Tony Monsantoe

    Gearbox identification

    sorry did not realise it posted already.
  18. Tony Monsantoe

    Gearbox identification

    it will be interesting as i got a suffix D box from a fella a few months back for my old blue 2a as mine has worn 1st rev and has broken retainer 2 out of 3 springs 2 are broken for the synchro hub on the 3rd-4th cluster, it dont pop out of gear so i been holding off rebuilding the spare i got...
  19. Tony Monsantoe

    Bulkhead to Upper Dash Series 3

    that is a type of cloth tape the texture on the top you can just see is cloth. They call it gaffa tape. hope that helps bud. Tony.
  20. Tony Monsantoe

    3.0 tdv6 rebuild advice

    ouch, did you know by getting rid of the egr you in fact make the engine temps higher as the exhaust gas helps to reduce emissions but helps to cool down the intake as there is less oxygen, i used to think it was best to get rid of the egr. but when i read up on it reducing combustion temps i...