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  1. N

    Defender TD5 - crank bit won’t start

    Strange thing is that if I take the relay out completely, the vehicle still starts fine. Don’t understand !!!😂. Running awful though. I checked the injectors codes are correct just as a random thought - they are. Just seems to hesitate and be rev limited. Sometimes runs 10mph faster than at...
  2. N

    Defender TD5 - crank bit won’t start

    Ah thanks! Yes it’s 2000. Is it a 30Amp or 40Amp relay? Sorry - not an electrician as you can tell ! :-)))
  3. N

    Defender TD5 - crank bit won’t start

    Ok slowly making progress. She seems to have stopped random stalling now, but moved onto a different issue - revs limited. Won’t go above 35mph. Almost as though there’s a limiter in place - bit none exists. Nanocom is now showing 10,2 fuel pump drive open load (logged). Seems to point to a...
  4. N

    Defender TD5 - crank bit won’t start

    Wow that’s a great article….! Thx so much. No fault codes on the Nanocom - but gut still tells me it is the harness. Similar symptoms with random cutting out when running perfectly. A couple of the earths were a bit loose - so have reseated and tightened those up. Also replacing the fuel...
  5. N

    Defender TD5 - crank bit won’t start

    Ok so victory was not so simple. Driving yesterday and Landy cut out again. Was working perfectly. Fuel pump and all fuel system is fine (most replaced!). Ecu is perfect. She was running beautifully and then just cut out. Once again cranks but does not start. Loom has no oil present...
  6. N

    Defender TD5 - crank bit won’t start

    Ok all - answer…. Faulty ECU. Gratec (Maldon) put their spare on today and she started in 2 secs. Thank you Stephanie and team! Ecu sent for recon / swap.
  7. N

    Defender TD5 - crank bit won’t start

    Thanks so much. Got a great set of ideas and posters from everyone now..:: fingers crossed !
  8. N

    Defender TD5 - crank bit won’t start

    It is very strange. Was running fine, then started to run a bit rough and cut out. Leave for 30 mins or so and it would start again, then run rough and then eventually would not start at all. Thought it was fuel, cps, pump, regulator, isolation switch - but all replaced (except fuel pump -...
  9. N

    Defender TD5 - crank bit won’t start

    Yeah I wondered about that. Replaced the cps and the starter…. Still no joy. Like looking for a needle in a haystack! Wondering if a garage professional obd will show more than my Nanocom.
  10. N

    Defender TD5 - crank bit won’t start

    Hi - my td5 was working fine. Then started hesitating. Now just cranks and will not start. I have been through pretty much everything: - replaced fuel pressure reg - new filter and fuel line connectors - new crank pos sensor - new intertia switch Recently has a complete head replacement...
  11. N

    AMC Head - compatible with 10P?

    I have. A new head and same top set of gaskets as I had fitted previously. Seems to fit ok - but I guess only a good run will tell. Next job - new steering box to fit and then sort out the oil leak coming from somewhere around the rotary filter.
  12. N

    AMC Head - compatible with 10P?

    Thanks! Will keep an eye on it. So far so good!
  13. N

    AMC Head - compatible with 10P?

    Thanks. Yes I found that one only 30 mins ago. Silly me! Will call Turners tomorrow. I do have a spare cleaned up 10 P head that could be pressure tested, but has had loads of miles, so my thinking is that I may as well put a nice new stronger shiny one on while my baby is in bits. She has...
  14. N

    AMC Head - compatible with 10P?

    Hi all - just wondering if anyone knows whether the AMC replacement head for a TD5 is compatible with a TD5 10P? Sorry if silly question - relatively new to Landy world (indeed any engine work!). Current head is cracked, so need a replacement. Head I am interested in is on the Turner site...