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  1. Wal88

    Best quality fuel lift pump

    I believe the original ones were AC Delco but it seems there have been a few different companies copying it. The one I took off mine was manufactured by an Italian company called BCD who have a website but never replied to me when I contacted them.
  2. Wal88

    Best quality fuel lift pump

    I have contacted them and in fairness they replied straight away and are following up with their supplier. What is the general policy on outing sellers and the like on the forum, I don’t want to bad mouth anyone and so far they have been very good as far as communication goes…good guess though :)
  3. Wal88

    Best quality fuel lift pump

    I recently bought a replacement fuel pump for the Series 3 that I am slowly resurrecting. Thinking I was being smart I avoided the blue box and at great expense purchased a “quality aftermarket and original equipment (OEM) branded part not to be compared to the cheaper branded parts available”...
  4. Wal88

    Series 3 2.25 petrol - fan rubbing on plastic radiator cowl

    Good idea, I may as well replace them with new ones anyway...are the Britpart ones any there a better alternative?
  5. Wal88

    Series 3 2.25 petrol - fan rubbing on plastic radiator cowl

    That was my first thought, a lot of bodging done on it by the PO so I wouldn't be surprised if they were not the correct size.
  6. Wal88

    Series 3 2.25 petrol - fan rubbing on plastic radiator cowl

    So my series 3 had a battered old series 2 radiator fitted so in my quest to get her on the road I bought a new series 3 radiator and a lovely new plastic cowl so it would all be proper. On fitting I realised someone had fitted a really large homemade fan so once more in the pursuit of doing...
  7. Wal88

    Hello from Dubai!

    For here the paper work is fine, that’s the advantage of buying it off the police…not sure what would happen if I tried to export it but that would be a worry for another day! For now I’ve just removed one of the front shocks (currently replacing the suspension) and discovered instead of the...
  8. Wal88

    Hello from Dubai!

    Where is the photo indeed! I did attach it, seems the first post gremlins have done their thing 🙈
  9. Wal88

    Hello from Dubai!

    I have been lurking away for sometime and thought I really should say hello! I have a lifelong love of old series landrovers, my Grandfather had an early Series 1 (1949 I think) which we would be driven around in and later as it rotted away in the garden we’d use it to pretend we were driving...