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  1. F

    Defender 90 Terrible grinding/clunking under deceleration

    My guess would be handbrake drum, mine clatters like this if left on a while. See if it clears or makes worse by applying handbrake carefully when driving and also when decelerating, may indicate or eliminate??
  2. F

    Help ending my leak - 200TDI

    My 200 looks very similar, but not enough to worry about. It only seems to get worse when its been standing for a a few weeks and after a good run can be a week or so before it even spots. I just put it down to being a Land Rover!!
  3. F

    1984 90 whats it worth?

    If you dont desperately need the money keep it. You will only regret it Finding good well sorted ones is getting hard.
  4. F

    First wash of the year

    I would be cleaning the 90 weekly and not the Tesla personally. Your 90 will still be going when your Tesla is scrapped :-)
  5. F

    Advice on Tyre choice please!

    Ive got 265/75 on mine but looking to go 255 next time. Dont have any issue on the 265/75 but thinking 255 may just nudge the rubber wheel arches on articulation perhaps!!
  6. F

    300 TDI Clicking noise when driving, seems like transmission

    I would concur with above - a UJ first then check your CV's Ive just changed a front UJ - well did the entire front prop in the end but I had the clicking noise intermittently, mainly on a turn and under trottle.
  7. F

    Defender running a disco 200tdi - fan shrouding

    I wouldnt bother - I have a disco 200tdi with electric fan. It never gets hot enough to come on automatically - I have a manual switch which Ive only used to test the thing still works.
  8. F

    Turbo Decal

    I replaced the one I had on my 1988 90 and managed to get one off Ebay.
  9. F

    Galvanised chassis - to paint or not to paint

    There is a buzzweld Galvanised metal primer called T wash but I would recommend you email Craig Jones at - theres also a good facebook group with plenty of info. My chassis is done inside and out although not new like yours - very good product.
  10. F

    Off road days

    do apologise my bad
  11. F

    Off road days

    agree some great routes in Wales but how much in diesel to get there and back ? £50 is good value then ;-)
  12. F

    Off road days

    We have had some people think £50 is expensive however we are booked up until Aug so plenty feel it’s good value. If you consider it’s 3hours approx 18 miles continuous off road in a place no one else can access ? Come try it first and see for yourselves
  13. F

    Off road days

    Cannock chase 4x4 off road safari - in partnership with Forestry England. - nothing too extreme but still a test and the only way to officially take a 4x4 into the forest
  14. F

    Unwinding a defender 90 transmission

    When I drive off road I engage/dis-engage diff lock as needed. I tend to dis-engage when going around corners unless particularly required of course. Never had a problem with wind up - not sure if my technique is correct but how I was taught? Ditto with other comments - low box wont cause wind...
  15. F

    Defender 90 - Respray

    Depends how old it is? mines a 1988 and I also foam rollered with enamel paint from paintman uk and you cant tell its not sprayed. Mines used as it was designed to be used so couldnt see the point on spending on a spray job!!
  16. F

    Cooling fan permanently on from starting

    disagree - you need an overide switch if you fit an electric fan - last thing you want is for it to come on when you wading!! Mines on a thermostat but I can start on a seperate switch and also de-activate - only way to go imho
  17. F

    Cooling fan permanently on from starting

    Get rid and fit an electric one - one with a switch to overide is the way to go:-)
  18. F

    Tyres - confused!

    I do have 265/75/16 mud terrains on mine on off set modulars but don't necessarily think about going wider for mud as generally a narrower tyre is better as cuts through the mud easier. A wide tyre tends to sit on top.
  19. F

    Tyres - confused!

    my choice would be these,59,66,
  20. F

    2.5NA to 200TDI Conversion

    Try Jason Lyndsey at Station Garage in Welshampton 01948 710920