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  1. T

    Largest Nut on a Landy

    Oh no not that one. Maybe from the year before? It was one of the Adventure ones. Still not going to **** with it though.
  2. T

    Largest Nut on a Landy

    We've got 2. Now I was about to do my usual when someone asks me what we have and be "We have a blue one, and a grey one", but I'm guessing that doesn't help much. They are both 90's, one is older and Jeremy's modified that one a fair bit. I think this would be the best to get a part from. The...
  3. T

    Largest Nut on a Landy

    Wow thanks for all your replies!! I'll start researching where they all are and figuring out which will be the best fit.
  4. T

    Largest Nut on a Landy

    Hello, My other half is a Landy obsessive, and I'm planning on proposing to him. I want a ring that means something, so I thought it would be amazing to take a nut from his favourite landy (and replace, obviously...) and then lathe it down to be suitable for a wedding ring. Unfortunately I have...