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  1. Carbon14

    Never look into the eyes of a demon until he comes callin!

    Never look into the eyes of a demon until he comes callin!
  2. Carbon14

    ok here we go

    Hi All, New to the site so not sure where to put what? Last week a got myself an ex MOD 110 2.5 na with 46000 ish kms on the clock (recon) As i said in my intro post it has a few issues which i wanna work my way through. I'm new to land rovers (or Landys) not sure with the correct Land rover...
  3. Carbon14

    New to site, so Hello

    Hi all, As from title in the thread, I'm new to the site and also new to Land Rovers. I used to have a Navara D40 and if you know anything about them you know they have an issue with timing chains and i found out the hard way some months back... Bang!! Anyone wanna buy one without an engine...