Hi thanks for reply- the rumble is low down on the tone scale. It is not constant- the oil levels are fine and there is no rumble when spin wheels up off the ground.There is no play in either wheel bearings. The bizzarre thing is the fact that the rumble sometimes is on left hand and sometimes...
Hi all
Over the past months a rumble has been getting increasingly worse from I am convinced the front axle/drive train.Some days the ruble is more pronounced when some lock is applied to the left at speeds over 40mph -other days the same noise but only when turn slightly to the right .There are...
Hi all
Over the past months a rumble has been getting increasingly worse from I am convinced the front axle/drive train.Some days the ruble is more pronounced when some lock is applied to the left at speeds over 40mph -other days the same noise but only when turn slightly to the right .There are...