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  1. roger01

    2000 RPM max

    Hi I've had a 2001 2.5 HDSE auto for many years, been laid up maybe 4 years or so (leaky airsprings and fuel pump playing up) although not on the road always fired up and shunted up and down the drive every few months. Finally got around to replacing the air springs, OH the brakes, new pump in...
  2. roger01

    P38 Flat Battery Lockout

    P38 2.5 DHSE Auto Hi everybody it’s happened again, after the last flat battery fiasco and subsequent can’t sync the fobs because the alarm is still active when battery is re-charged I hooked up 60 watts of solar panels to stop it happening again, the P38 is a gracious old lady that now only...
  3. roger01

    P38 key code lock out

    Hi all, had a day going through all the threads and trying all the listed fixes but still no joy. Been away for 4 weeks and the Battery on my 2001 2.5 DHSE ran down while I was away, took it off and charged it up, the alarm activated when I re-connected, tried both fobs no joy, got in let the...
  4. roger01

    P38 lowers when started

    Hi all. had the 2.5 DHSE for 5/6 years and apart from replacing the rear bags the EAS has been ok in fact the whole vehicle has never faltered in the time I've had it, you can park up for several days and the suspension stays up but of late when you get in and start up the disembark level light...
  5. roger01

    P38A Weird key fob problem

    Hi all, I know there are various threads on this subject but can't remember comming across one like this, the button rubber in my P38 No1 fob did a runner, stuck it in the drawer and used the other (No2) fob, got/replaced the rubber, fob wont work, tried re-sinc still no go, 2 new batts still no...
  6. roger01

    EAS software

    Has anyone used the RSW freeware for the EAS diagnostics, my RR is ok but a friends sank to its bum a couple of days ago, there was an OBD plug/cable came with the car when he bought it a few months ago it's a serial with a serial to usb cable plugged on. Downloaded the RSW freeware and the lpt...
  7. roger01

    3 door sport leather

    Hi all, got a 3 door sport TD4 with leather/heated seats, I know the outer grey panels are smokestone (had an anniversery model when they came out with light/dark smokestone), but these center panels are a mid/aqua blue, contacted a couple of leather dye suppliers but no one seems to know what...
  8. roger01

    Hi from South Yorkshire

    Hi to all, as you may have guessed I am new to the forum, been away from the 4x4 life for a few years (had L/R's Freelander and a couple of R/R's in the past) but just acquired another Freelander so joined up to see whats happening, so regards to all, and thank you, for what so far has been...
  9. roger01

    Freelander 3 door sport leather colour

    Hi, new to the forum so prob putting this in the wrong place but here goes, my wife's 3 door sport TD4 has 2 tone leather heated seats getting ready for a spruce up, the outer grey panels I know are smokestone, the inner panels are a mid/aqua blue, contacted a couple of suppliers of leather dye...