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  1. Birdbrain

    200tdi clutch slip

    Apologies but I can't find anything definitive via the search. My 200tdi Defender has had an engine rebuild after cracking the block. A new clutch was fitted and I noticed the bite point was right at the top of the pedal. The clutch was slipping when warm so I adjusted the locknuts on the push...
  2. Birdbrain

    200tdi Defender thermostat

    My 92 200tdi Defender has the original engine. Recently replaced the thermostat with a new one that was rated at 88 C. The engine is now running hotter than it always has previously. I’ve checked and some people are saying the 200tdi should have an 82 C thermostat yet other suppliers insist the...
  3. Birdbrain

    Indicator warning light issue. Defender 200tdi

    Any ideas on this one? When I turn right dash indicator lights show up nicely. When I turn left there’s just a faint glow. When I put hazards on there’s nothing. All indicators are working normally except the right one mounted on the wing. I’m assuming that may be the problem but can’t fathom...
  4. Birdbrain

    Brake issues 200 tdi

    A weird one. I’ve replaced the front brake callipers on my 92 200tdi. I clamped the front hoses off whilst changing them. I reverse bled the brakes & everything seemed ok on a short 2 mile drive. On a longer drive the next day the pedal suddenly got soft but pumping it brought it back. Next day...
  5. Birdbrain

    Lower steering shaft UJ bolts

    I’m having to replace my lower steering shaft UJ,s again for 2nd time in just over a year. Replacement parts were Britpart & the UJ,s have failed already. Bought OEM ones this time that don’t come with new nuts & bolts. Can anyone help me with the size and whether or not they’re high tensile?
  6. Birdbrain

    Forged wheel nuts

    I noticed one of my Defenders wheel nuts was missing yesterday! Don’t know if it’s been stolen or just worked loose. I can’t believe it’s worked loose as others are as tight as. Anyone know where I can get hold of a replacement? These came with a set of Modular’s that are quite old.
  7. Birdbrain

    Painting New callipers

    I’ve bitten the bullet & bought a new OEM set of front calipers for my 200tdi Defender. I intend painting them before fitting but wonder if there’s any special preparation I should carry out before painting?
  8. Birdbrain

    Defender 200 tdi heater hose connections

    Hi all. Done a search but can’t find the answer. I need to check my heater hoses are connected correctly after changing head gasket. My heater has the two connections at the top of the matrix. Can some one tell me which connection is to head (I.e one closet to bulkhead or one closest to...
  9. Birdbrain

    Front calipers Defender 200 tdi. Advice needed

    Good morning all. I’m looking for advice on best front calipers to buy for my 1992 Defender 200tdi. The originals were replaced 6 years ago but I’ve noticed the pads only touch the middle of the discs and the top / bottoms of discs aren’t touched. I’ve seen another thread on here where some...
  10. Birdbrain

    L405 Sat Nav upgrade to Apple Carplay

    My 2014 Range Rover 405 has only done 47,000 miles. I’ve had it 6 years but since retiring in 2018 it hardly gets used. I love it though and on a long journey it’s fantastically comfortable. The sat Nav is a thing of utter ****e though & I’d consider changing to a newer model just to get CarPlay...
  11. Birdbrain

    Series 3 lightweight braking issue

    After a few weeks visiting family in Oz I gave the lightweight a run out. The brake pedal isn’t returning & I have to lift the pedal with my toes. When it’s down the brake lights obviously stay on. There doesn’t seem to be any brake fluid loss so am I right in assuming it’s the master cylinder...
  12. Birdbrain

    Defender 200tdi heater causing voltage drop?

    Morning all. I’ve noticed something recently I’ve never noticed before. My heater works well and delivers plenty of heat. But, when I switch it on I notice there’s a distinct drop in volts shown on the dash volt gauge. Without the heater on the needle in the gauge is almost at the red line. Turn...
  13. Birdbrain

    Defender 200tdi turbo heat shield

    As with many others with a Defender of this vintage my original heat shield fell apart years ago and I’ve run without one with no problems. Until last Saturday! A long high speed (speed relative in a Defender ) to Anglesey & back was accompanied by a burning smell. When I checked under the...
  14. Birdbrain

    Instrument bulb sockets

    A lot of the white plastic tubes, that the instrument illumination bulbs push into, are broken on my 92 Defender. They become brittle with age & break easily. I’ve got several where the bulbs are just tape in place! Does anyone know if these can be bought separately as they seem to be an...
  15. Birdbrain

    Indicators. Bad earth?

    My series 3 Lightweight has the usual nightmare wiring typical of a vehicle that’s nearly 50 yrs old as successive owners have added their own bit of spaghetti. Behind the dashboard is a mess of domestic 3 core cable & scotchlok connectors. I’m rewiring it next year with a new wiring loom from...
  16. Birdbrain

    Recommendations for new clutch

    I’m thinking of upgrading my 92’ 200tdi Defenders transfer box with an exchange 1:2 ratio unit from Ashcroft as most of the mileage I’m now doing involves a 140 mile round trip to Anglesey! The old ones leaking badly so needs taking out to look at anyway. At the same time I’ll change the clutch...
  17. Birdbrain

    New exhaust time

    A few years ago I replaced the standard exhaust on my 1992 110 200tdi with a stainless system from a well known supplier. All was well until it started rotting at the flange joints and I subsequently found the flanges were mild steel & not stainless. Through these forums I learnt of Demand...
  18. Birdbrain

    Discs & Calipers

    Good morning all. My 200 tdi Defender discs & calipers are getting a bit corroded as the vehicle is used a lot in a salty / Sandy environment. Even though I jet was the underneath thoroughly the ones fitted 2 years ago are really looking bad. Can anyone suggest a good set of quality discs and...
  19. Birdbrain

    Fuel gauge problem

    Afternoon all. I’ve got a weird problem with my 200tdi 110 fuel gauge. When I fill the tank right up the gauge sticks to the top of the gauge until I’ve used about a 1/3 of a tank then it Used to read correctly. I could live with that! However, more recently, when I’ve used some fuel and the...
  20. Birdbrain

    Clutch issue Series 3 Lightweight

    I’m posting this here as the clutch on my Series 3 Lightweight operates in same way as a later Defender. There’s a master cylinder then a metal pipe leading down to slave cylinder mounted on gearbox bellhousing. Before the beginning of the lockdown I drove it into town and lost all the gears at...