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  1. currymunster

    Aux pulley mount replacement.

    Hi, does anyone know if the fan belt pulley is available and replaceable? Now, I don't mean the actual pulley I mean the bit it bolts to. Four bolt holes and I assume press fitted to the bearing. Just discovered one of my bolts is loose. On further inspection it is broken. A previous owner had...
  2. currymunster

    I suffered a Run away diesel

    Did put this in disco section but thought it might be more relevant here..... Hi everyone, towing my daughter's horse from Folkestone to Gloucester. 40 mins from Gloucester on the A417 yesterday. I suffered a runaway. Black smoke and loss of power. Pulled over and as soon as I dipped the clutch...
  3. currymunster

    Disco 1 Diesel runaway

    Hi everyone, towing my daughter's horse from Folkestone to Gloucester. 40 mins from Gloucester on the A417 yesterday. I suffered a runaway. Black smoke and loss of power. Pulled over and as soon as I dipped the clutch it started. High revs. White smoke everywhere. I can't describe how much there...
  4. currymunster

    Disco 1 Front shocks

    Hi everyone, I'm currently in the process of removing the 2" lift terrafirma springs from my 1999 disco 1. The person that fitted then has missed out the two inner washers on lower mounts on the front shocks. This has caused the holes to wear larger and elongated. I can see it would need a whole...
  5. currymunster

    Disco 1 Difflock lever gaitor

    Hi every one, got a new disco. 1999 300tdi. Difflock never worked when I bought it. All apart and now fixed. My question. Part number FRC6872. Should I have put it on before I reassembled the hi lo lever, I can bolt it down but the small hole for the stick is not big enough to go over the...
  6. currymunster

    For Sale Discovery 1 parts

    300tdi engine(brand new head and valves. Cam belt just done.... R380 Box Lt230 Axles Lots of other parts on it. Now not taxed and need to clear Ask for availability and price Car is in Folkestone. Kent Cheers James
  7. currymunster

    Disco 1 Electrical Gremlin!

    Hi every one, hope you've all had a good start to the year. I have a problem I'm hoping you may be able to help with. 1999 disco 1 300tdi manual Car stood for 3 weeks to do MOT welding. Flat battery Jumped it Drive a couple of miles to finally get an MOT. Got to the garage and the right hand...
  8. currymunster

    Premium brand?

    So much for Exmoor trim being fantastic. Seat diaphragm split after a couple of years. I emailed and got ignored. So here is a picture of the offending article now I've removed it and replaced it with an eBay special. Let's see which one lasts the longest..........
  9. currymunster

    Disco 1 New car judder...

    Hey everyone, so I've got this new disco 1. It's a 1999 300tdi. Lovely clean car, I believe it's had a boost pin fitted but I cannot say for sure, it has a receipt for one being fitted and it seems to pull very nice. However, more noticeable in third when pulling away it has a judder. It had a...
  10. currymunster

    Disco 1 Helicoils

    Hi, got a new MY98 Discovery 1 300tdi registered 1999 on a T plate. Nice car but some monkey has been on it before me. Overtightening bolts. Two water pump bolts female thread stripped. 1 Fan pulley bolt missing due to thread stripped. Tensioner bolt stripped. Exhaust manifold. 1 thread stripped...
  11. currymunster

    For Sale Discovery 1 manual

    1995 Discovery 1 breaking for spares. 350k miles. New cylinder head and valves. New timing belt kit and front oil seal. In Folkestone
  12. currymunster

    Disco 1 Off to the graveyard....

    My trusty 300tdi was hit on a roundabout. Non fault accident and it has been written off. Due to it being the second time I'm not allowed to put it back on the road. It has to be scrapped. Real shame for a bent wing and bumper So it's off to the graveyard.
  13. currymunster

    Disco 1 Help

    Just had a valve spring snap on the way home. New ones too!! Lost collets in sump and to be honest they are probably mashed. Anyone near Folkestone got one set of collets going and possibly a spring compressor while head in situ Amazingly the valve is still in its guide. I need the car on...
  14. currymunster

    Disco 1 Help! Cam belt snapped

    Hi every one. My cam belt snapped and I need to get it back on the road asap. Does anyone as near to Folkestone have a crankshaft holding tool that I can buy, rent or borrow asap please. Many thanks. James
  15. currymunster

    Disco 1 pipe adaptor

    Hey, I've ordered a new pipe adaptor for the to of my 300tdi cylinder head. Part number 624091 The heater hose connects to it. I just wondered what you lovely people would put on the thread to fit it. Blue hylomar? Rtv? PTFE tape? Thread compound? Cheers
  16. currymunster

    Disco 1 Bonnet prop grommet

    Hi, just bought a bonnet prop grommet off eBay but it doesn't fit. It fits the prop okay but it's too small for the hole on the bonnet. The seller says it's the right one for my chassis number and there are no alternatives. Am I missing something. 1995 300tdi N reg. Item number for the grommet...
  17. currymunster

    Disco 1 Glow plugs

    Did anyone know what size the main feed wire from battery to follow plug timer is please! 300tdi 1995 Brown wire to fuse then brown and orange.
  18. currymunster

    Disco 1 Hose routes

    My biggest problem is knowing how to route things that have been fiddled with before. I.e power steering hoses for starters they come of the reservoir and touch the intercooler pipe connection. No matter what I do. Is there any where to get a reference on how they would have been routed.
  19. currymunster

    Dipstick tube

    Hi, in process of building a smoke machine. In testing it of would seem my dipstick tube is broken by the top mount. Anyone had this before and is it weldable. Ie is it steel..... Cheers
  20. currymunster

    Door lock parts

    Hey everyone, Does anyone know the part number for item 37 in the pic. It's the little rod going from the door actuator to the bell crank pulley. Thanks guys