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  1. ovalandrover

    my project

    Now im back in OZ i have pulled my project out from the shed and washed it down .Its not a Land rover but its a truck i bought new in 1975 and used as a daily driver untill about 5 years ago and decided needed some restoration .
  2. ovalandrover

    P38A India / Bhuthan

    l we made it to India and did a tour of West darjeeling and Sikkem provences goin up to about 12 000 ft being driven in a Mahindra and then back to the Boarder town with Bhuthan where we were met by our Guide for Bhuthan who managed all the formalitys at the boarder. We are now 8 days into our...
  3. ovalandrover

    P38A Finally back in UK

    I am finally backin the UK after being locked down in Australia and will be here for a few weeks . As you know i own two 1999 Range Rovers which i put on Sorn 4 years ago and locked in my lock up. Today i started both up they started first turn of the key and pumped up the tyres . As im etting...
  4. ovalandrover

    Disco 3 (LR3) key fob

    I have a 2008 disco 3 and need to purchase a new key fob .I have a nanocom and can program a new key but when i go to buy a new one there are 2 with different Mhz. One is 315 Mhz and th other is 423 Mhz can anyone tell me which one is the correct one for my car ? or point me in the right...
  5. ovalandrover

    6x6 110

    I live in Australia and the Australian army is selling of its old vehicles among them are the 6x6 wheel drive Land rovers the auction site is...
  6. ovalandrover

    L322 Lift gate will not open Disco 3

    I have a 2008 Disco 3 and the liftgate will not open. I have tried the lock unlock method and still nothing happens. The normal way of opening produces a niose like the operating solenoid is working but not releasing the catch. The same as when i press lock /unlock togeather,Is there anyway i...
  7. ovalandrover

    Disco 3 (LR3) Lift gate wont open D3

    I have a 2008 Disco 3 and the liftgate will not open. I have tried the lock unlock method and still nothing happens. The normal way of opening produces a niose like the operating solenoid is working but not releasing the catch. The same as when i press lock /unlock togeather,Is there anyway i...
  8. ovalandrover

    P38A Range Rover for sale P38 DSE

    I have a 1999 Range Rover DSE 2.5 for sale colour Red 16 inc wheels with Cooper Discovery tryes soft touch bull bar This car has been stored for the last 4 years as i was locked down in Australia. I charged the battery and it started first time. as soon as the pressure was reached the suspension...
  9. ovalandrover

    P38A Nanocm

    Has the Black box solutions gone belly up as im trying to acess my account and cant log in so cant get any support for i cant log into my account on the web site and cant find any thing saying why even tried contacting them with no reply
  10. ovalandrover

    P38A Im coming back

    For the last 3 years i have been in Asutralia using my Disco 3 and have been locked down because of covid and other commitments but i will finally be back in the UK where i will have to get my 2 Range Rovers back on the road and i think i will have to sell one of them if not both . I dont know...
  11. ovalandrover

    ads on this site

    I am in Australia and havnt been on this site for a while and now it seems google has taken over this site and is putting adverts in that is disrupting the content I hope that the administators are getting well paid for these ads as im not going to be using this site any more
  12. ovalandrover

    Other Fraser Island

    i finally got round to putting some videos on U Tube of Fraser island
  13. ovalandrover

    Other Frazer Island

    i havnt been able to get back to the UK for 2 years as we are not allowed to travel there so my range rovers are in storage over there. Also interstate travel has been banned so i just been using my discovery 3 for a couple of trips up the coast on sealed roads. Last time i went to Airlie Beach...
  14. ovalandrover

    Other Virus Alert

    UK Virus ALERT The English are feeling the pinch in relation to the recent virus threat and have therefore raised their threat level from “Miffed” to “Peeved.” Soon, though, the level may be raised yet again to “Irritated” or even “A Bit Cross.” The English have not been “A Bit Cross” since...
  15. ovalandrover

    Other invercargill

    now im in New Zealand just about to board a ship to the Ross Ice Shelf in Antartica from Invercargill. Had a day to spare so thought i wold go to the Museum of transport untill i found out the price was $30 per person, So i went to a hardware shop instead...
  16. ovalandrover

    Other What 3 words

    I have just put an app on my phone called what3words the ideaa of this app is that every 3 sq meters of this earth is given 3 words to identify the wher the three sq meters is located it is being used by emergency services as to identify where the incident is happening. like if you were lost in...
  17. ovalandrover

    Classic Video
  18. ovalandrover

    P38A Nanocom Readings

    I have the modulation reading of 17.6% at idle but when it reaches about 2000 rpm it jumps to 68%. The injector set point is 1.6deg and the actual injector is 10.9 which is not correct as it should be within 1/2 deg I have set the timing up manually to .95mm at TDC and this is a pump that has...
  19. ovalandrover

    P38A Torque settings

    Im shure its posted on this forum somewhere but i have left my RAVE in Australia and would like to know torque setting for::- Camshaft bolt Crankshaft front pulley FIP nut i know the crank bolt is 6 flats after inital torque but dont remember the first setting Thank you for your help
  20. ovalandrover

    P38A Air con Charge Ports

    I found a small leak from the low pressure charge port and as the valves are part of the housing they have to be renewed .I looked on ebay for replacements and found some but they are ib Germany and cost about £22 plus £14 postage so i thought i can run with widows open. I also checked Land...