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    Disco 1 Bits for sale....

    In the for sale section....

    For Sale Discovery 1 bits...

    I've remembered I have a load of bits from 200tdi era Discovery. Ask me if you can't see what you're after and I'll look to see if I have it.

    Disco 1 Airbox clamp/strap.

    Anyone got one lying around? Pic for example.

    Wanted Disco 1/ Defender airbox strap

    Anyone got one of these lying around? Pic for example.

    GLASS or TRF?

    I'm currently doing some greenlaning on two wheels and wondered which group would be best to join. Does GLASS cater for motorbikists or are they 4x4 only?


    Wonder what part of it is a series? land rover series 200tdi auto hybrid | eBay

    Insurance renewal

    Got the renewal through a few weeks ago from Lancaster for £301.30 so I thought I'd have a look at the comparison sites to see if I could get it any cheaper. I did. £202.15 with......... Lancaster:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    2.5N/A to 200tdi conversion

    Right, seein as how we int had a conversion fred for a bit I thought I'd start mine. So, after droppin the Doris and the kids at the mither-in-laws I went to my mate's farm where me 90 is. Started her up- first time inorl seein as she int been started for about 6 months- and then shifted...

    Disco mot

    Who's bored enough to guess whether it passed or not?:rolleyes:
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    ...enough time to stock up on gaffer tape (gaylander doors for the holding on of), and stand with our backs to the wall before Hippo commences his week in here on his world tour of LZ:D:D:D
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    British Indoor 4x4 show

    British Indoor 4x4 Show Is anyone thinking of going?
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    Landys previously owned

    Found some piccies of my old landies. from about 16 years ago. from 11ish years ago.
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    Bobtail disco

    A mate popped round today to show me the bobtail I gave him a bit of a hand with in it's almost finished state. Dunno if i'm keen on the colour but he likes it. Whatcha think? A couple to compare it to mine.
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    Series 111 engine bay

    A few extra bits in here I think;) Possibly my next landy.
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    The Smug Grin Thread

    In response to the hands up if yer landy's broke fred, i thought it would be appropriate to see who's landy's work proper '87 90 fully workin:D '94 200 disco fully workin:D double smug grin fer me:D:D
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    just signed up

    hi all, bin on this site as a guest for a while, thought it was time to sign up, an get some more norverners on