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  1. norseman


    A very merry Christmas & a happy New Year to all contributors :) May 2025 bring you motoring enjoyment devoid of stress & expense. Ho, Ho, Ho :rolleyes:
  2. norseman

    bulb cover

    Hi again guys Having just got my RRC hazard switch working again, as a result of a small piece of the red square warning bulb cover breaking off & preventing the switch from functioning, I want to replace the cover as aged plastic was probably the cause of the breakage. There are complete...
  3. norseman

    Classic hazards

    Hi guys The hazard flasher switch (top of the steering column surround) on my '87 3.5efi has been playing games for a while ie whilst the hazards would switch on turning them off again meant several presses of the button before normal indicator operation was resumed. The switch has now decided...
  4. norseman

    Odometer reset?

    I have recently installed a used speedometer into my '87 RRC after the original become far too erratic to judge speed & neither of the mileage recorders would work. I sent the instrument to a 'specialist' but apparently spares cannot be sourced. The replacement works & records the mileage...
  5. norseman

    RRC speedo

    Looks like I'm going to need a speedometer for my '87 RRC auto (my DA) The repairers advise that my unit is totally US & after having it for 4 weeks are unable to source replacement parts; therefore they are returning my cluster & will only charge for postage. Strange that it should pack up...
  6. norseman

    retrieve conversations?

    Hi guys, I was conversing with a member using 'conversations' recently & need to make contact with him again, but my box insists I have no recent conversations & like the old fool that I am can't even remember the guy's name :oops: Is there anyway I can recall 'my conversations' ? Thanks guys.
  7. norseman

    retrieve conversations?

    Hi guys, I was conversing with a member using 'conversations' recently & need to make contact with him again, but my box insists I have no recent conversations & like the old fool that I am can't even remember the guy's name :oops: Is there anyway I can recall 'my conversations' ? Thanks guys.
  8. norseman

    Let there be light ..

    With the complete instrument cluster currently out of my RRC ('87 3.5efi) to rectify a faulty speedo, can I ask if anyone has been successful in retro-fitting brighter bulbs/LEDs to improve the pathetic level of instrument back-lighting on a Classic? Also, Speedy Cables have confirmed that they...
  9. norseman

    At last .. a conclusion.

    After a full year there is now a verdict on driver culpability in the case of the Land Rover driver who lost control of the vehicle & subsequently killed two schoolchildren at a school in south London. It appears the female driver suffered an epileptic seizure & as she has no previous history...
  10. norseman

    Plastic sills RRC

    Having another senior moment :oops: Need to remove the black plastic sill trims from my '87 RRC. Do I remember correctly that you just knock the old plastic rivet centres through into the sills themselves, then use new rivets to re-fit the sills ? Thanks guys.
  11. norseman


    Hi guys The speedometer of my '87 RRC has thrown a wobbly @ exactly 63k recorded miles. Worked fine up to a short stop in a journey but when it was resumed I became aware of this loud ticking sound, much like a grandfather clock, increasing with road-speed. Curiously the needle is still...
  12. norseman

    Ignition amp.

    My '87 RRC had it's original dissy mounted ignition amplifier replaced last summer with the later remote amp. purchased from a 'well known' supplier of aftermarket ign. components for classic cars. Five months & very few miles later it failed so the supplier replaced the amp under warranty & I...
  13. norseman

    Classic idle

    Hi guys I recently advanced the timing slightly on my 3.5efi which resulted in improved performance (with a small P) but the downside is a corresponding increase in the idle when in N. According to the bible the adjustment screw on the plenum casing should be used to adjust this, but the...
  14. norseman

    Classic cut out

    This one is driving both myself & my local garage nuts! 1987 Vouge 3.5EFI auto 63,000m. Background > Following a period of intermittent rough running back in the summer I replaced the following components: Ignition coil, remote ign. amplifier (from Powerspark) plug leads & spark plugs, coolant...
  15. norseman

    Classic Pump replacement

    I may have to replace the fuel pump on my '87 V8. The thought of removing towing gear & dropping the tank on a 36 year old RR is scary, so I wondered if removing the floor would be a better idea. I'm led to believe the corrugated panel is alloy, but can anyone advise me as to the best procedure...
  16. norseman


    As a follow up to my posting early last month .. Added BG44 to around 60L of premium 95 fuel & my 3.5efi does seem to have more life in it, though being used as a second car I've covered less than 200m since, so it's early days. Hard to be certain though as shortly prior to 'dosing' the old...
  17. norseman


    Sorry to ask what may appear to be a stupid question, but can anyone tell me how to remove the wiring plug from the AFM on my 3.5 EFI ? The thing will 'wiggle' & loosen, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to unplug it .. being plastic (ugh) I don't want to damage it by brute force &...
  18. norseman


    Hi guys What are your views on injector cleaning additives for a 3.5 EFI at 62K Worthwhile or nothing but snake oil? Thanks all.
  19. norseman

    misfiring Classic

    I've been having problems with my 3.5efi misfiring, always at low speed. Initially suspecting ignition system problems I've so far replaced the ign. module (now remote via link lead) coil, spark plugs & leads. The replacement dizzy cap & rotor arm (in green Lucas boxes) were of such poor quality...
  20. norseman

    Daft question (cont.)

    With reference to my recent enquiry regarding the replacement of both ignition module & coil on my '87 3.5i .. I ordered the components, including the long link lead (dizzy to module) but not ever having done this job before, decided to watch a 'how to' video on the 'Tube. All seems pretty...