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  1. Freddie17

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Stand-alone CarPlay screen

    So I’m looking at options for a stand-alone screen for the F2. Last week I put one into the F1, that my daughter bought online from Jeff. Made of Chinesium, but Bluetooth calls and maps work quite well for the price (£80 ish). Any one have any recommendations? Know of something that works well...
  2. Freddie17

    Freelander 2 (LR2) Tyre choices - Falken?

    Anyone had experience of Falken Wildpeaks? I run the Geolander GO15’s on my F1, and have no reason to complain. Good all-rounder for general road use and occasional green laning / off road. I’m looking at options for the F2, and these seem a comparable alternative in terms of price.
  3. Freddie17

    F1 rescues RR 🤣

    An old clip, but first I’ve seen of it. The classic YT film of cars (mostly not) fording correctly, but a LR special… 00.55 F1 pulls the numpty RR out 4.39 F2 does perfect crossing 5.12 F1 does perfect crossing 8.00 F2 does perfect crossing. In fact, the FL’s are the only LR model that don’t...
  4. Freddie17

    Don’t upgrade anytime soon…!

    Interesting. So glad our Freelanders are a little simpler in design (and much lower in value!) I was talking to someone just the other day about this, and the issues that keyless entry/starting are causing. I’ll shut up about £38 / month being expensive...
  5. Freddie17

    Freelander 1 Cam shaft sensor

    So I’m still trying to get my TD4 to start (cranking only, see other recent thread with data)… Question; would a duff cam shaft sensor allow crank but prevent ignition completely? (Tries to fire on easy start but will not run at all). I’ve just seen something on you tube back-probing the loom...
  6. Freddie17

    Freelander 1 SOLVED; Turns over but no start…

    Evening guys and gals… (FL1 TD4) Strange one, and an easy fix I’m hoping… Freddie has been running sweet all winter and into spring. Used him regularly, and was out on farmland only this weekend. Jumped in this morning, and he was just turning over, not firing. This is all of a sudden, and with...
  7. Freddie17

    FL’s are not off-roaders, huh?

    Just watched this on you tube - lovely little video to show that ‘mate’ we all have, that is always telling us that our Freelanders are not really proper off-roaders…! (8:25 gets into the muddy bits)
  8. Freddie17

    Christmas Land Rover tv

    Here is my Christmas public service to you… Enjoy the nostalgia.
  9. Freddie17

    FL1 backfiring

  10. Freddie17

    Kent laning 5th?

    A couple of the guys on landyzone and myself are planning another green-lane jaunt out, probably on 5th Nov., around Kent somewhere. We’ll be meeting up for a coffee again before running some lanes - nothing too drastic, certainly no off-piste, but mud/water/branches to be expected. Yes, some...
  11. Freddie17

    Diagnostic reader advice

    Morning all, I’m thinking about buying a reader for my (mk1) Freelander td4. I don’t think I actually ‘need’ it as yet, but I‘ve no doubt it will be of use now in preventative maintenance work and improvements. I know I’ve certainly not read any codes or data since I’ve had it! Anyone have any...
  12. Freddie17

    Reversing light

    I have a (single) spare LED driving light, after my wife decided to test the durability of the 3 month-old pair I fitted on the front to replace the cracked LR spots/fogs. It’s made of Chinesium, box says its 42w power. I‘d quite like to mount it low on the back somewhere as an additional...
  13. Freddie17

    FL1 td4 lower suspension ball joint dust cover rotting…

    Evening all (I could have been a copper!) So Freddie passed his MOT today, with extra marks given to the tester for “that is clearly a well looked after Land Rover Sir”. He had 1 advisory only… lower suspension arm ball joint dust cover deteriorated. Rather than ignore this at my peril, I’d...
  14. Freddie17

    Mk1 td4 recent trouble starting

    Hi My mk1 td4 (’54 plate M47 engine, auto) has, in the last week or so, developed a little hiccup on starting! Engine hot or cold is irrelevant. It usually starts ‘on the button’, no throttle needed, just key turn, fires and idles sweet. Now, key turn, and there is a bit of ‘hesitation’ for a...
  15. Freddie17

    Vac lines - help please

    Just to be on the safe side, I’m considering upgrading all my vac lines - they look like the originals, and whilst I don’t think any have worn through, I don’t actually know what condition they might be in. Looks straight forward enough, but here are the questions; How do I identify all of...
  16. Freddie17

    Auto gearbox flush/oil change

    As above - want to do this for piece of mind (doubt it’s ever been done and it has 128k miles!) I could probably do this myself (well, the change at least) but it would be a struggle, I have no experience of doing it before, and I’m no expert on Freelanders! If I went to an Indy LR garage, how...
  17. Freddie17

    Low pressure fuel pump

    The low pressure fuel pump (td4), by the r/o/s wheel - I noticed last night that it seemed a little ‘noisy’. Now I’m not sure how noisy it ‘should’ be, or if it was ‘noisier’ last night, it’s just the first time I can say I noticed it (only had the car a few weeks). With ignition on you can hear...
  18. Freddie17

    Thoughts on EGR removal

    As above… Took mine off today - Jesus it was full of crud! Cleaned out as best as possible. Got me thinking about just getting a EGR blanking kit - BUT, what is the general consensus on these? Do you have to get the ECU updated, so it knows there is no EGR, or just unbolt the bejesus thing, put...
  19. Freddie17

    Tyre pressures

    I’ve treated Freddie to some nice new rubber…He now has 5 Yokohama Geolanders GO15. The OE size for my freebie is 225/55/17. As many advised me already, you can sneak a 225/65/17 on with no issues - which is what I now have. And if you want to know, the speedo is now pretty much bang-on the...
  20. Freddie17

    Kent anyone…?

    Hi Anyone around Kent doing some greenlaning that wouldn’t mind letting me tag along? Have a stock Freebie mk1 td4 on AT tyres. Nothing too mental to start. Have joined GLASS and have TW2, just looking for a buddy or 2 as I’ve not done it before. Glass forum seems awfully quiet. Cheers Darren