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  1. hef19898

    3.5 V8 - Hydraulic Lifters PSA (kind of, hope it helps!)

    Hi folks, long time no see! :-) The old lady is in the hands of a trusted mechanic to sort out what initially looked like timing issues after a camshaft replacement. Timing is ok, the issue seems to be the hydraulic lifter. I sourced those from a trusted source in the UK (none of the cheap...
  2. hef19898

    Classic Questions regarding the future

    Hello everyone! Well, I reached again the point where I have to make a decision: do I keep her or not. Last time, I was very much leaning into selling, and didn't, this time I am very much leaning into keeping. As opposed to last time, I want to make it, please don't laugh, rational decision...
  3. hef19898

    For Sale Refurbished Fairey Overdrive for LT95 - RRC Version

    Hi there, two years ago, I bought a refurbished Fairey Overdrive to be one day fitted to a RRC with a LT95. It sat on a shelf ever since. Hence, I am selling it, Europe wide shipping (EU, UK I'll have to check. Shipping EU is 49 Euro. Price for the Overdrive to be negotiated, as forum members...
  4. hef19898

    3.5 V8 Carb Engine Blow Back after cam Shaft replacement

    Hi all, well, it's been a while since visited here... mainly two reasons so, one the old RRC was running fine (-ish, well, good enough) and the care she needed was only available at a workshop, since the one week-end job of replacing the camshaft did materialize for over a year. The seocnd...
  5. hef19898

    Fitting Kent H200 cam to 3.5 on carbs

    As the title states, I consider to fit the cam myself. Top end work, followers and push rods, seem easy enough, after all I had everything already removed except the inlet manifold and rocker shafts. Front end, well not sure about that. Anything I can seriously damage there? Except the cam shaft...
  6. hef19898

    Stroking a 3.5 with a 4.2 or 4.6 crank?

    Hi folks, for some reason, I am investigating options to increase horse power of my 3.5. A new cam, Kent 200 (180?, I'd have to check), is sitting in my workshop, as is the roller timing chain. Next on the list would be ported cylinder heads. So far so good. I'd prefer to stick with the double...
  7. hef19898

    3.5 V8 on carbs loosing all power at 2k rpm when hot, 3k when not

    Well, this seems to be a theme at the moment... My problem is the following: I took the old lady to Tunesia, already on her way down she had issues when hittin 2-3 k rpm when hot, e.g. stop and go traffic in plain sunlight. That usually went away when the arbs got enough air flow to cool down...
  8. hef19898

    Classic LT95 Fairey Overdrive Installation manual - and Hints

    Hi folks, the big day finally came, the elusive Fairey overdrive arrived! Fully refurbished at that! I fully managed to forget about the fact that for the price of the overdrive I could have gotten fully rebuilt R380 and have it installed. So, call me happy! :-) Regarding installation, I...
  9. hef19898

    Classic Retrofitting Fairey Overdrive to LT95

    Hi there! So, no news regarding the new job, and thus RRC budget, but I do have a guy that is willing to send a Overdrive from the UK to Germany. Sounds good so far. All searches so far didn't return any real difficult things regarding the fitting. Besides locking the gearbox in third gear...
  10. hef19898

    Classic Right front light cassing, weird issue

    So, I worked some on the wiring today. The emergency flash lights don't work, and it is either flashing left (left and off) or right (right). Also, the right standing light is dead. I measured through the wiring and connections and discovered something weird... The left front light casing...
  11. hef19898

    Follow-Up Project or Serious Modification on Existing One?

    Hi there, for those that followed so far, I did a rolling restoration on a 1982 RRC, 3.5 V8 obviously. The goal was to get a car that can be taken on 2 - 3 week camping trips with a family of four to, say, remoter places. And to have a car to go offroading. The RRC performs remarkably well on...
  12. hef19898

    Range Rover Classic 3.5 V8 Carb from 1982, sadly our latest family might have to go

    Yeah, now it came to it... My 1982 RRC has, maybe, to go. Reasons are mainly fuel consumption and being profoundly unsuited for longer camping trips with the family. There is a lot of history and pics of the car on the forum already, so I'll make it quick and short: No rust, all critical spots...
  13. hef19898

    Classic 1982 Rear Diff shot - Replacement Options?

    As s luck might have it, I shot my rear diff over the weekend. Like really shot it to tiny, tiny pieces. And the stub axles took a hit as well, both of them. Now, what are the options? Sticking with an open diff and 10 spline axles? Keeping the 10 splines and adding a diff locker? And if so...
  14. hef19898

    3.5 V8 SU Carb Issues

    Hi there, a cursory search didn't return anything, so here is my problem. A while ago, my beloved RRC started to have starting issues. They were solved by toping up the carb dampers every once in a while, the left one more often. Two weeks ago, it started to starve for petrol while driving...
  15. hef19898

    Classic 1982 Fuse Confusion

    Hi there, our family RRC has the worrying tendency to either blow the auxiliary fuse, or ignore that it is there. As the only anoying thing is the windscreen washer not working (and the horn...), I couldn't motivate myself to chase down the wiring. But now, I am low on fuses (which sucks, kind...
  16. hef19898

    Classic suspension question

    Hi there, just had a closer look at the spare rear coils springs I have around. So, they are coded red / white indicating RR HD rear springs. Makes sense. It just seems that one is about 1.5 cm shorter than the other... Is one supposed to go on the driver side? Or do I need new ones? There is...
  17. hef19898

    Classic 1982 RRC 4-Door Rear Window Winder and Interior Questions

    Hi there, here I am, back again at my restoration project! The old lady is running just fine again, even more important, she is completey rust free! Well, she was last summer, now there is the one or other spot again, most worriesome two spots at the right hand rear door... That being said...
  18. hef19898

    Classic Front propshaft - removal issues - LT95 manual gearbox on a 3.5 V8 Carb

    So, I slowly start to get frustrated... There was clearly some delay in working on RollRoyce, but I thought I'll finally get to replace the front propshaft today. Had it soaked for three days, daily soaking included, with rust remover. Damn thing still wont get out. All I managed was to remove...
  19. hef19898

    Land Rover Defender Upgrade Kit MY 1994+

    Hi there, just saw that Land Rover Classics starts to sell some OEM upgrade kit for 1994+ Defenders: The reason why I'm posting it here is simple: I don't have a Defender but...
  20. hef19898

    Classic 3.5 V8 - LT95 gearbox getting hot

    Hi there, so the shakedown cruise happened today. No big issues ao far, only the fuel gauge trying to give me a heart attack when it dropped from 70% to zero in 20 km. Luckily it's only the gauge. One thing I realized so is the heating of the gearbox tunnel. Is that normal behavior? When I...