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  1. yfo866

    I know we all here have mental issues loving our old Landys, but...

    I think some of us need to go and seek professional help!
  2. yfo866

    Has anyone got any tips for bleeding 101 brakes?

    I've changed several brake pipes, plus all flexibles, new wheel cylinders, shoes. Then during phase 1 of bleeding the original master cylinder went poopy in it's pants so replaced it with a new one. Then during phase 2 of bleeding it too decided to go poopy in it's pants by sending the fluid the...
  3. yfo866

    Is the 101 Forward Control Club & Register no more?

    I messaged the Faceache page nearly two months ago asking what do i get for my subscription and have had no reply. No sign of a web page, so is it finished? It would be just my luck now i've finally got my wallet on my own 101 ambulance...
  4. yfo866

    Oil and filter change on 101 with the original V8

    I was just watching a video on Youtube of a guy changing the oil and filter in his early 3.5 V8 Range Rover. The filter on his engine was lower down and screws upwards, you know, like on most normal well thought out engines... Has anyone looked at fitting the Range Rover filter housing? I'm...
  5. yfo866

    Early 3.5 Range Rover cruise control?

    Does anyone know if the early Range Rover came with cruise control? I've recently purchased a 1977 101 with it's original V8 still in it and was wondering if the early Range Rovers had cruise control, if i could install it onto my 101?
  6. yfo866

    Hybrid 101?

    I know the PTO on the back of the transfer box can be used to power various things, could it be used in reverse and if i bolted an electric motor onto it could that be used to propel the vehicle using batteries?
  7. yfo866

    Malvern 3 Counties Show Ground 4th February 2024

    First one of the year!
  8. yfo866

    Am i being stupid? Odometer in miles or kilometers?

    I reckon my speedometer reads in KMP, not MPH as the 100 is on the outside(big numbers) and the 60 is on the inside(small numbers) So, assuming i have a 'foreign' spec speedo, are those 33822 units miles or kilometers? I do apologise for the state of the speedo but i haven't got around to...
  9. yfo866

    101 swivel hubs, grease or oil?

    Mine need some attention. Especially the driver's side which is making a bit of a mess... I've heard that you dig out any pitting in the swivel, clean, degrease and then fill with epoxy glue and sand it down. A mate who used to knock about with a chap who had a GS told me that you can change...
  10. yfo866

    Disco 1 Just discovered(sorry...) this clip of Kenilworth flooded road with deep wading

    It's from 2020. I wondered if it features any fellow nutters from here?
  11. yfo866

    Great Billing 2024

    Just received an email from the Billing gang wishing me a merry Christmas so in response i spent £148 and ordered three tours on the off road courses. Riverside on Friday and then the Lakeside course on Saturday and Sunday plus camping for Friday and Saturday. This'll be my first time going off...
  12. yfo866

    Is there anyone with a 101 ambulance who wants £30 to...

    Get a copy of their back door lock key cut and send it to me please? Martin from Able tells me that they are all the same and i don't have a key for mine. Martin didn't believe the chap who told him until he walked over and locked and unlocked Martin's back door.
  13. yfo866

    Does anyone with a 101 ambulance know what should fit here?

    It's the box behind the passenger seat. There is an odd bracket/lever thingy, plus a removable mesh inside of an external louvre vent and a couple of large holes. One goes into the cabin and another towards the back. I'm guessing the two holes i found in the cab floor behind the seats under a...
  14. yfo866

    I've just bought a 101 Ambulance... (YAY ME!)

    So far i've driven it around a field scaring the resident sheep and then once around the block after slackening off the brakes as they are binding on, quite a bit... Genuininely worried i might not be able to get it back home again! So a total brake overhaul is next on the list of jobs. At the...
  15. yfo866

    PD1900 engine conversion

    Has anyone put into a Land Rover a VAG PD130 or160 engine? Ibiza FR PD130: 129 bhp @4000rpm 228 lb-ft @1900rpm remap: 183bhp 286 lb-ft Ibiza Cupra PD160: 158bhp @3750rpm 243 lb-ft @1900rpm remap: ~190bhp ~300 lb-ft I reckon they are the ultimate(unless you're going silly) 4 cylinder...
  16. yfo866

    Malvern Land Rover Monthly Show 20-21st May
  17. yfo866

    Response needed to our access to the countryside

    'They' are trying to curtail our green laning fun again. Please take the time to express your views regarding access to the countryside to the government. Promote access for ALL, and not just those horsey people and ramblers. Please do so before 11.45pm on 9thApril 2022 Link below DEFRA...
  18. yfo866

    Greenlaners... trail riders... TO BATTLE STATIONS!!!

    'They' are trying to curtail our green laning fun again. Please take the time to express your views regarding access to the countryside to the government. Promote access for ALL, and not just those horsey people and ramblers. Please do so before 11.45pm on 9thApril 2022 Link below DEFRA...
  19. yfo866

    Those rich people with newer Land Rovers take note... 40 SECONDS!!! The Range Rover was stolen in 40 seconds, but as the owner had a tracker fitted it was found shortly after. I don't know whether to be proud of the fact that four Range Rover models are in the top ten...
  20. yfo866

    2-Stroke oil in yer diesel?

    Does anyone add 2-Stroke oil in with their diesel. Me and a mate were reminen reminas remembering back to when race tracks smelled of Castrol R. I then remembered a mate suggesting i add a litre of oil in with a tankfull of diesel, for some reason, and i wondered if tossing in some Castrol R...