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  1. catman275

    Why only one bolt plate? mrc5509

    Hi folks, As the header says ..why only one? Does it fit the petrol tank side? any ideas. Cats
  2. catman275

    Series 3 front seat retainer brackets part no.331818

    Hi folks. Does any one know the actual size of these brackets, And where they fit at the front? They are rather expensive for a simple bracket and I like bending metal and drilling holes , so I was going to make some. Thickness/hole size/dimensions etc. Photo attached , the bracket is at the...
  3. catman275

    |Where does this fit? series 3 swb 1983 88

    I am still going through a box of bits and have found this. cheers if you know. Even my son who tookit apart 9 years ago doesn't know.
  4. catman275

    HEATER BLOWER QUERY SERIES 3 1982,,,,,,,,,,UPDATE,,,,,,,,,

    Hi folks, As the header says. I have a 2 speed blower motor with one spade terminal and one earth lead coming out. I did not take it off so I am not 100 pc how it connects back. I connected both wires from the bulkhead to the spade and it works only at one speed. Swapping the wires around...
  5. catman275

    Series 3 front door bottoms

    Hi All, Still building and playing around with various parts. Question to the clever folk. What is the difference between a series 3 and a series 2a front door? Both our front doors have badly rotted inside frames, although the skins are reasonable. Buying new parts to fabricate the frames...
  6. catman275

    SWB 1983 series 3 Tub resting position.

    Hi folks, I haven't been here for many months for one reason or another, hope you are all well. I am trial fitting a newly built tub to a new chassis. Having not removed the old tub, I am unsure of where the tub actually rests. Does it rest on the right angle seat belt anchor brackets? Doing...
  7. catman275

    Series 3 Front brake line setup

    Hi folks, Just a quick question. Has anyone fitted their connecters as in this photo? Just thoughts and comments on it. Cheers. Peter
  8. catman275

    Series 3 Tickover

    Something to watch for 30 seconds.
  9. catman275

    Speedometer repair

    Hi all, Has anyone any recommendations for a speedo repair business? smith/jaeger out of a series 3. Havent opened it yet just asking in advance in case I need to send it off. Still under rebuild at the moment. cheers Peter.
  10. catman275

    series 3 swb problems to ponder over.

    Fitted an exhaust, fitted rad and hoses. started her. wouldn't fire . Put ht leads in correct order and started with a struggle. Drove out of the garage ooooh. Aftr 10 minutes running fine. Started checks..... under pressure the radiator leaks.. Oh well we were thinking about getting a new one...
  11. catman275

    request after laptop failure..

    Hi Folks, Here i am happily tapping away on my wife's lappy. My laptop went tits up last week and I have lost almost everything. All my bookmarks and a few photos and some other odds and ends. Fortunately I backed up most of my profile on this laptop so all is not lost. I thought I had backed...
  12. catman275

    Rear brake flexi hose series 3

    Hi all, I am doing a dry run fit of the brake hoses and all ok except for a query on the rear hose. Flat one end domed the other? The front ones are domed each end. Answers on a postcard please with a ten pound note. :-) )
  13. catman275

    Series 3 fitting new brake lines to galvanised chassis

    Hi all, Next on the list is fitting brake lines, Having not stripped the old ones out and the new chassis not having any pre drilled holes for clips etc. What have people done in the way of fitting them. I don't want to drill the chassis but I can't see any alternative. cheers peter
  14. catman275

    shared from facebook 1

    My dad's well loved and very distinctive Landrover Defender was stolen last night from the Heathrow area. It's his 60th birthday this month and he has worked almost 40 years for the nhs. He wants it back. If anyone has any information or has seen it please either report to the police or message...
  15. catman275

    shared from facebook 1

  16. catman275

    shared from facebook

    Click on pic for details
  17. catman275

    Series 3 identify these flasher units please. 1983 series 3 rhd

    Hi folks, I have these 3 flasher units behind my dash, can any one id them please . Front end partly assembled ,front wiring only, Every thing was working until there was a little spark then the indicators stopped working;.fuses still ok It happened when I was repositioning the fuse box...
  18. catman275

    series 3 1983 fusebox layout.

    Hi Folks I intend to move the fuse box to a more accessible position with additional fuses for radio etc. I expect this current box has been pulled about by previous owners. Does anyone have any opinions on it? 3 browns on (1)---------- (2 ) one white and 1 purple (to...
  19. catman275

    Anyone fitted this part?

    part number 347646. a small bracket of sorts under the steering cowl. I know where it goes and how it screws to the cowl, but cant see how it fits elswhere.
  20. catman275

    Series 3 Choke cable query.

    Hi folks, continuing story of the rebuild of my sons series 3 1983. In the pile of parts was this choke cable. I cant seem to make it fit anywhere so suspect it is not the correct one. rhd 1983 . Any thoughts here? cheers. part number in the book says 599312 for one with steering column lock.