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  1. Gun7354

    3.5l v8 in a Series III - running hot

    With the electric fan option - i recently fitted one on my 200TDI, got the fan off ebay (£17) added a relay and mounted it with some home made brackets to the rear of the rad job done. All up for £21. Rich
  2. Gun7354

    What part is this?! 3.5 rover v8

    Looks like a coolant temp sender. Or a cold warning light for the dash like on a S111 Rich
  3. Gun7354

    Original colour identification

    Id use a little T-Cut to bring up the correct colour - looks like Aries Blue though Rich
  4. Gun7354

    Gemmer 6 bolt input seal

    Hello all, Does anyone have the part number just for the steering box input seal pse? Ive got a leak and dont need the full kit. Thanks Rich
  5. Gun7354

    200TDI Engine cam cover behind FIP

    Many thanks Lynall, All advice greatly received. The timings chest was nice and clear thankfully. Rich
  6. Gun7354

    200TDI Engine cam cover behind FIP

    Ha ha, yes freckin oil leak. Cavey_P38 many thanks for the photos. Just been on the drive and got it off. Bottom right hand bolt just cleared the FIP. Took me about an hour to get the the sealant/old gasket off. No wonder it was leaking. Also managed to fit the FIP bracket bolts which were also...
  7. Gun7354

    Will a 300tdi pump fit a 200tdi

    Hi @Cavey_P38 I have a spare 300 TDI FIP just 'incase' my 200TDI one goes South. All threads ive read say that its a reletivley straight swap. See here for additional advice Rich
  8. Gun7354

    200TDI Engine cam cover behind FIP

    Thanks chaps - Disco engine... Rich
  9. Gun7354

    200TDI Engine cam cover behind FIP

    Hi all, I've an oil leak which is coming from the cam side plate which the oil breather goes into. Its the one that is helpfully just behind the Fuel Inj Pump on the right side of the engine. I know the bolts are 10mm but can i get the cover off without taking the inj pump out? Im not sure how...
  10. Gun7354

    200TDI Fuel injection pump

    Cavey_P38 thank you very much for braving the cold and submitting the photos. Your info is priceless, shame i cant buy you a pint :). Ill brave the cold tomorrow and carry on fitting the pump. Thank you Rich
  11. Gun7354

    Disco 200TDI

    Hi all, Does anyone have link were I can see what parts are what on my Injection pump. I need to know where the fuel pipes go etc and where the solenoid wire goes. Thanks Rich
  12. Gun7354

    200TDI Fuel injection pump

    Hi all, Does anyone have link were I can see what parts are what on my Injection pump. I need to know what fuel pipes go where etc and where the solenoid wire goes. Thanks Rich
  13. Gun7354

    Looking for my perfect series

    So..... a great deal of us have been down your road to getting the absolute best Series. I brought mine 4 years ago and it’s been great. I brought it from John Brown 4x4 as I live locally. I know he picks landys for c.£4000 and flips then quite quick putting them up for double the price. When I...
  14. Gun7354

    Series 3 Ignition and electrics dead

    Check what voltage your getting at the starter solenoid, should be 12v in and out. If not 12v I’d suspect Starter solenoid.
  15. Gun7354

    Boomslang harness - buzzing relay

    Mick, chaps thank you for all your help. So went in behind binnacle and found the voltage transformer (that’s what tinternet called it) it was more like a large black heatsink. So unplugged it and all is fixed. No more buzzing and perfect working lights finally. It had all the wires going in as...
  16. Gun7354

    Boomslang harness - buzzing relay

    Thanks Turrican, what colour was it? I can only see 2 from the speaker hole - 1 x large yellow for rear window heater and a normal metal one. Think i need to go in deeper! Rich
  17. Gun7354

    Boomslang harness - buzzing relay

    Thank you James, I’ll be back once I find out the cause. In your expert opinion do you think this could be the cause? Rich
  18. Gun7354

    Boomslang harness - buzzing relay

    So earths all good, so I’m thinking Dim Dip relay. Why....lights all work great when engine off. Engine on they work great less for when I just put the side lights on and I’ve noticed that the main bulbs glow very dim whilst relay is going crazy. So....knowing that the oil warming light is...
  19. Gun7354

    Boomslang harness - buzzing relay

    Many thanks, I’ll run an earth straight from the dodgy relay and work from there. My light switch on the column is slightly dodgy (makes side lights flicker if touched slightly) so this could be the cause. On the diagram earth comes from light switch to relays and ends there. I’ll post back my...
  20. Gun7354

    Boomslang harness - buzzing relay

    Ahh, even though the boomslang harness doesn’t state that and doesn’t have extra earth wires? I’ll try that to see if it fixed the issue. Thanks