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  1. demitrious1973

    Blown head gasket agian....

    get your heads skimmed properly or your gasket will keep on blowing
  2. demitrious1973

    Failed MOT - Need help in Staffordshire

    i know someone in croydon if that helps
  3. demitrious1973

    cheap tyres

    depends on what you want the tyres for (eg off road on road?)
  4. demitrious1973

    Mig Welding advice please

    gas welding is ok as long as you are in a garage or the gas will blow away out side and the welding becomes ****
  5. demitrious1973

    Mig Welding advice please

    just weld a patch and put lots of seam sealer over it and then underseal and you will never notice it and it will last, as long as its welded good
  6. demitrious1973

    v8 discovery miss fire

    ok what model discovery
  7. demitrious1973

    Td5 Rear Seat Noise

    yeah dont let anyone sit in the back or turn the music up louder
  8. demitrious1973

    Mig Welding advice please

    ok if you are going to weld upside down then make sure you have a leather jacket or cover to stop the spitting welds form burning you like a bastard, as for bending metal cut the right length and put a couple of tacks to hold it and beat it with a hammer until it fits. if you are replacing the...
  9. demitrious1973

    rock sliders group buy discovery whos intrested?

    I had a look and measured my 3 door and 5 door and the mounting points are the same so is the wheel base
  10. demitrious1973

    I've made a discovery!

    Thats nothing compaired to my mates cortinas floor
  11. demitrious1973


    I took the bumber off but you could put a ring spanner in to undo the tow bar or do it up but its more agro
  12. demitrious1973

    runnin problem 200 tdi

    yeah they do rot what you need to do is take the cover plate off and check the lines are still attached and not rotted away
  13. demitrious1973

    My New Disco

    looks like a good tidy landy
  14. demitrious1973

    runnin problem 200 tdi

    it could be the sender it is located under the boot carpet you cant miss it
  15. demitrious1973

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    I looked at it in the ****ing down rain from my living room and thought like hell am I going out there
  16. demitrious1973

    timeingbelt when

    yeah if you dont know then get a belt and fit it
  17. demitrious1973

    Airbag Fault Warning Light

    :welcome2: to the landyzone you need to ask in the discovery section
  18. demitrious1973

    White smoke

    whats your water level are you using a lot of coolant/water
  19. demitrious1973

    what power can be acheived

    NOS is a good idea as long as you like rebuilding your engine all the time. I KNOW THIS :(:(:(:(
  20. demitrious1973


    thats it just torch the ****ers out:D:D Iv had to do that in the past