I wanted to get rid of my power steering pump but noticed my alternators belt is atached to it and it does not run inline with my fan so I was wondering if anyone knew how to solve this problem
Wouldn't it be nice to have a parts section for people who want to get rid of landy bits and people who are after bits can see them listed and priced so easy then to get those bits you need for projects or repairs:D:D
I ways thinking about puting lpg system in my landy but does know how much work is required and how much **** is going to get in my way and problems
the misses drives it more than me, she takes the kids to school, shopping and general running around, I use it on weekends for towing driving at people and generaly ****ing people off:D
if the head has gone you hould be able to see oil in coolant bottle or water coming out of exhaust on petrol models dont know if its the same with diesel
I have a squealing sound from my disco, it was the backing plate behind the disc it was rubbing against the disk, fixed it with a big flat head screwdriver and hammer, well bent it away from discs:D