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  1. adyw

    Windows dropping

    So probably an easy question. How do I stop the front windows from dropping down an inch or two every time I wind them up. Manual winder. What is loose or worn out
  2. adyw

    Dashboard indicator Tell tail not working post LED conversion

    So a quick update as its been a while With a number of loaned and borrowed parts i started testing First replaced two LED's with normal lights- no joy Then fitted the Wipac relay - a little joy, a very faint glow from the dash So fitted the LED with the extra earth wire- same again, a...
  3. adyw

    Dashboard indicator Tell tail not working post LED conversion

    hi, yes LED's all around, not touched the relay
  4. adyw

    Dashboard indicator Tell tail not working post LED conversion

    So check the earth, even ran a new cable as a temp measure to a solid part of the car, still no joy with indicators or the hazards, My original theory and advice was to refit one old bulb, due to the reason mystery just posted, so will give that a go and let you know how i get on.
  5. adyw

    Dashboard indicator Tell tail not working post LED conversion

    so thats a negative, turned the bulb around and still does not work with the indicators or hazards . ???
  6. adyw

    Dashboard indicator Tell tail not working post LED conversion

    hi, no, doesn't flash with the hazards, i'll go and spin it around right now
  7. adyw

    Dashboard indicator Tell tail not working post LED conversion

    Back again gents, So bought and fitted the LED dash bulb with the extra earth, but no joy, still no flash on the dash. Thoughts, what do i check next and how.
  8. adyw

    Dashboard indicator Tell tail not working post LED conversion

    thanks, will give the earth bulb link a go,
  9. adyw

    Dashboard indicator Tell tail not working post LED conversion

    thanks gents, that not the answer i was expecting,, I had previously been told / found if i replaced on Led bulb with a normal one it would sort it
  10. adyw

    Dashboard indicator Tell tail not working post LED conversion

    A little help and opinion please, So on my 1986 , defender 90, I've done the full Led light conversion, all works well except the indicator light on the dashboard never flashes, it makes the faint noise, but that's it. I think i know why they is and how to fix. but I would like a second...
  11. adyw

    cranking not starting

    Hi yes, came to that conclusion last night, home made immobiliser, aka Mad Max.
  12. adyw

    cranking not starting

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss, to that man, Bingo thankyou very much, must of come loose
  13. adyw

    cranking not starting

    Oh and the tank and pump are all about 2 years old
  14. adyw

    cranking not starting

    crickey, have you a picture
  15. adyw

    cranking not starting

    sorry engine, its the old style 2.5 turbo diesel, not the new 200tdi, I can never remember if that the 12J or 19J
  16. adyw

    cranking not starting

    Hi Gents a little help please, So all of a sudden the old girl wont start at all ( 1986, 90) she is usually a first turn of the key starting car even if left for weeks. The starter motor is less than a year old. So spins the engine lovely Battery nice and charged having been on a trickle for...
  17. adyw

    rear window relay

    thanks for the info gents, i think it is time to remove the front speaker and check out what if any relays i have as i now do have 12v at the rear of the car when the switch is on , but with out the car running, so just a quick check to see if there is anything there at all. if not time for a...
  18. adyw

    rear window relay

  19. adyw

    rear window relay

    anyone ! :(
  20. adyw

    rear window relay

    Having finally finished everything else that did not work. last on my list is the rear heated window. My question having found all the wires at the front and rear of the car is. Are the relays , timing relays or is the system on when switch on and off when switched off. If it is the latter is...