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  1. C

    Disco 1 Discovery 300TDi battery

    Enduroline CXV-X 1000 Amp from tayna batteries is what i fitted but only due to it being a lesure/cranking battery so it has aux poles to screw any extras too :) got mine last june not had an issue yet.... was just short of £90
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    floppy gearstick

    you say flopping around could you select any gears? was it in a gear and not coming out of gear? if you can select gears i would take a guess at the springs that center the gear stick if you cant then i would suspect the selector or gearbox to be damaged in some way im sure with a little more...
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    Oi Oi Welshers

    ahhh i forgot there working on monk street and the main road over the hill lol
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    Oi Oi Welshers

    just over the hill in sunny aberdare lol
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    Disco 1 HELP/ADVICE needed300TDI Disco 1

    rite last mini update for tonight cause im off to make fire haha (should add that the fire is in a controlled bin clearing trees haha) anyway i went out to put in the rad bleed into the housing as expected removed the plug and it was almost dry. now with gravity in mind i unbolted the header...
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    Disco 1 HELP/ADVICE needed300TDI Disco 1

    small update been for another spin but this time with dual purpose lol heat up the system on the car and to get a damn bleed valve from the local ish (3 miles 1 bypass) plumbers. something i have noticed now is that the small pipe from the rad to the "valve" isn't getting anywhere near the temp...
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    Disco 1 HELP/ADVICE needed300TDI Disco 1

    i did state parked on an angle and tank over filled i know how water runs lol
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    Disco 1 HELP/ADVICE needed300TDI Disco 1

    yeah running quieter, feeling smoother. temp gauge telling lies and not showing over normal but i suspect thats due to the lack of water in the thermo housing. blowers stay HOT to a point with them on i have my both front windows open all the way so i can breath. just keeps filling the damn...
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    Disco 1 HELP/ADVICE needed300TDI Disco 1

    haha in that case consider it all boxed up :) as you can tell im still learning also haha or i prob wouldnt have needed to ask about that haha. anyone got a special bleed method thats not in the RAVE software for me to try throw up your suggestions i'll try them all pmsl
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    Disco 1 HELP/ADVICE needed300TDI Disco 1

    been running it took it for a few runs low/high speeds. tried bleeding before after and during trips all give me same results. if one of you wants to explain "boxing up" my cooling system i'll be more than happy to go another round. got the patience and time on my hands while im skint may as...
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    Disco 1 HELP/ADVICE needed300TDI Disco 1

    no the head wasnt tested and yes it was bled correctly. its not quite the same as it was before its less that it was. the strange thing is im not losing any coolant from what i can tell. there's not any in the oil. but what is happening is the res tank is filling up and then staying full. the...
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    Disco 1 aux belt tentioner stud question!

    wouldnt try poxy but i have some good chemical metal and yeah i only need it to last until i can get a helicoil or just replace the spacer. though i think it might be easier if i helicoil it saves on coolant and gaskets not having to take off the water pump that i only put on there today lol
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    Disco 1 aux belt tentioner stud question!

    i dont have £11.20 atm lol wont have for a few days at least hence the wanting a quick fix. (updated help/advice needed 300tdi)
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    Disco 1 HELP/ADVICE needed300TDI Disco 1

    ok so i've rebuild the old girl and she's sounding better than ever running smoother than ever ( i suspect mostly due to the valves now being set right). but im still getting air up in the thermo housing and my res filling up with coolant. if i run it with the thermo cap off it still bubbles...
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    Disco 1 aux belt tentioner stud question!

    dont have one and have no cash due to just having sorted the head gasket and water pump and bits. but i have chemical metal. plan is only for short term i plan getting a new one when i have some money to do so. also james as your about there will be a small update on my other issue in a min on...
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    Disco 1 aux belt tentioner stud question!

    ok so im just gonna get straight to the point my 300tdi the stud that holds the belt tensioner wont hold in the block its been shredded. someone did try re-thread it but badly! and now i have an almost round hole with a few threads left at the back. i cant afford a new water pump spacer thing it...
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    Disco 1 Engine rotate with cylinder head removed

    shouldnt the water channels on the bottom be open and clean! and as for rotating the engine with the head off jack up the one wheel (i do driver side but not for any reason) put it in 5th gear and turn the wheel, that will rotate the engine nice and easy for you :)
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    Disco 1 HELP/ADVICE needed300TDI Disco 1

    got some cleaning done just need it to stop raining now so i can go clean off the rest of the gasket and get it ready for going back on. any suggestions on best way to de-coke the pistons or should i just leave them be! when the weather stops raining i'll get some better pics of them.
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    Disco 1 300tdi seals/orings/washers help!

    not sure on elring but thats the set i had and seems to be the same.
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    Disco 1 300tdi seals/orings/washers help!

    thats the same set i had in my kit dont have a clue on there for other than the injector seals the bottom one is an odd one with notch thought someone might at least know where that was for but o well, on with the putting back together :)