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  1. N

    New Battery or Battery Drain?

    Turns out I did not have the multimeter set up correctly and having re-checked it I do have a drain of 0.03 Amps. Having gone through the all of the fuses I have established I can get this to reduce by 0.01 Amp if I take out the immobilizer/alarm fuse and a further 0.01 Amp if I take out the...
  2. N

    New Battery or Battery Drain?

    Thanks - checked it on the 10A setting and got no reading at all (not even a beep from the alarm which I was getting on the 200 ohms, 2000 ohms, 20m and 200m settings - which I tried before I posted this thread) so I assume it is the battery?
  3. N

    New Battery or Battery Drain?

    I have either a faulty battery or a draining issue as if I leave my '96 disco for 1-2 weeks without driving it the battery goes flat (its worse in the winter). I have been told that I can check if there is a draining problem by putting a volt meter between the positive terminal and lead. The...
  4. N

    Paperwork & route for Morocco

    Am planning a 3 week trip to Morocco in my '96 Disco 1 this Sept. Did a similar trip two up on a BMW R100GS in Oct 2007 but cannot remember what paperwork we needed/ took etc, can anybody pls confirm: 1) Carnet - pretty sure not required? 2) Insurance - whilst yrs back 2004 (on another trip)...
  5. N

    Passenger's Elec Window Jamming?

    Hi The passenger side elec window (on my '96 disco) has started jamming. If I press the rocker switch the window tries to go down but all that happens is the front corner drops approx 5mm and the window jams. If I then press the switch to put it back 'up' the window closes as normal. It...
  6. N

    How to wire in a solar panel charging system?

    I connected the panel regulator into the battery in parallel as described and now having used it on a 2 week holiday can report as follows: I have concerns re:the regulator (a Juta 12v/12Amp PWM like the following ) as having connected it up...
  7. N

    Rear Awning

    Jusy making one myself as follows: 1) This 3m x 3m tarp is great value at £19.99: Decathlon - camping-trek,outdoor products tents shelter QUECHUA - TARP, khaki QUECHUA - hikers looking for a shelter or wanting to extend a tent.# 2) It can be free standing i.e. 4x4 can be driven away...
  8. N

    How to wire in a solar panel charging system?

    Hi My disco has a dual battery system whereby the 2nd 12V battery is trickle charged via a regulator when the engine is running - this system came with the car when I bought it. I have just purchased a 80W solar panel and controller that I want to add to the 2nd battery charging system (I...
  9. N

    What size solar panel do I need?

    Hi I have a: - 39l Engel fridge/freezer that I believe uses 5-2.5 amps per hr (though apparently only when the compressor is on which depending on the ambient temp varies); and - 40 AH secondary battery that is currently trickle charged when the engine is running. and am looking to get a...
  10. N

    Tyre Dilemma

    Hi I currently have 3 BFGoodrich M/T's (one of which needs replacing), 1 BFGoodrich A/T and a road tyre as spare and am looking to replace both the road spare and 1 poor M/T. I am not sure whether to: 1) Buy 2 M/T's - advantages being will then have 4 matching tyres on car and the A/T as a...
  11. N

    Narrow Shade Awning Required?

    Have PM'd you
  12. N

    Narrow Shade Awning Required?

    Not me I am afraid, had a max offer of £89 lined up and then my internet dropped out with 3 mins to go......not happy to say the least!!!!
  13. N

    Narrow Shade Awning Required?

    Have sent you a private message...
  14. N

    Narrow Shade Awning Required?

    Hi As I have a 3 man roof tent (on my Disco 1) it is too wide to fix to give front/rear access meaning if I want a shade awaning (which I do) I will have to either have an awning on the opposite side to the tent access ladder (which I don't particulalrly like the idea of) or off the back...
  15. N

    Twin Kenlowe Fans

    Hi Does anybody know if twin 12" kenlowe fans can be fitted to a '96 Discovery 300 tdi? Many thanks in advance,