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  1. R

    TD4 Advice

    Ah soo right - its mechanical and has landrover written on it..... Sorry but myTD4 has its faults all correctable with advice from here :blabla: Service it regularly, avoid cheapo filters as they let too much cr@p past, repair and replace things going wrong and you'll have a good time! As...
  2. R

    Help please TD4, whistle and lower MPG than before the whistle

    Whistles?? Does it do this when you are accelerating just as the turbo boosts in? Do you have a loss of power after this (or at least described as lazy - like driving as though pulling a massive weight?) I had similar - leaking intercooler hoses - you won't find it looking at it and...
  3. R

    I was charged £30 for coolant on a clutch change

    If i am wrong i am sure someone will correct me... Does the coolant not circulate through the IRD - ? This needs to be removed to change clutch....
  4. R


    I know that it is possibleto have the main control unit programmed from new to :- a. One press of key fob opens only drivers door B. Second press unlocks remaining doors OR a. Single press opens all doors You cannot reprogram this without the Testbook computer or something similar and...
  5. R

    Help - Not Starting!

    I'd still agree with Ming... does it jump start? If it does then you need a new battery. I have a 2000 X TD4 and same problem last winter. I came home from work (work van) and decided I wanted - for some bizarre reason - to manually control the fuel burning heater. I removed NSF wheel and...
  6. R

    Turbochrgeoost control solenoid valve vent filter renawel

    also see this the filter is not a filter - badly named - its a breather which becomes blocked. to get to it remove engine top cover. remove air filter. breather is located at the back behind the injectors. plenty...
  7. R

    dare i ask????

    You have no chance with a 12v gun - you'll end up with a very hot impact gun and a flat battery or gassed from exhaust fumes! Is there not a commercial vehicle garage near you could drive to - have the nut undone there - re tighten to say 200NM and stake, drive home carefully, unstake and...
  8. R

    Three amigos again and again!

    hi all yes i know its been covered a millionty twenty times but thought someone else might find this useful. i recently 'dropped' off a kerb whilst off roading (ha ha!) driving on gave me the 3 warning lights on dash and a cold sweat at the repair bill thoughts. I searched through the...
  9. R

    three amigoes again......

    front sensors are as you say under bonnet one behind batter, one near abs pump - small cylindrical connector which pulls apart. rear sensors - remove wheels. follow wiring up along flexi brake pipe - connector is located just behind the splash sheilding. again - each sensor has a...
  10. R

    dare i ask????

    Ha! Just removed NSR drive shaft nut which I think is the one you are talking about - oh yes tis very tight. very very tight. 400 NM tight to be precise. Make sure you have knocked out the staked down bit of nut well first - then I suggest using a 32mm impact socket (cos it fits on the flats...
  11. R

    Turbochrgeoost control solenoid valve vent filter renawel

    You're more than welcome - glad to help! If you're servicing yourself make sure you do a search on here for crankcase filter as its not in the service schedule but will cost ya big time if its not changed!
  12. R

    Turbochrgeoost control solenoid valve vent filter renawel

    The filter is located there but right hand side refers to the position from the drivers seat looking forward. Stand at the O/S/F wheel and peer at the rear of the engine block - you should see the little clear plastic funnel shaped filter hanging down! One end vents to air so there is only...
  13. R

    Part finding.

    errrr - i can recognise one relevant point of that:- GB MPT 1337 W.T. License Exempt. this is the remote control locking / immobiliser thingy whatever wt exempt is the wireless telegraphy act which covers radio transmitting devices in the uk. so perhaps some central control unit?
  14. R

    Rear Drums Sticking

    Are you sure the rear drums are causing the noise? You will also get a banging noise as the front brake pads free up when driven away - again its rust that forms and is cleared off as you drive away. Warning tho - I had a similar situation and it turned out to be a front brake caliper cylinder...
  15. R

    Cream coloured oily patches on drive

    what about a leaking front shocker?
  16. R

    no power

    so at 90 you expect faster? engine could be governed to max speed.....
  17. R

    Freelander Immobiliser Problems.

    :boxing: But having said that - the key on my 2000 td4 has a chip in it and it does have a reader coil around the ignition key assembly and it starts without the remote locking whatsithingy. If you don't think there is a chip in the key get your spare, smash it apart with hammer, admit there...
  18. R

    Please Help, Small cable fire under bonnet

    If i am not confusing the pic with something else then the cable thats the problem looks like the one bottom of pic where the loom is all taped together. This is a loom from the main fusebox so I would try to find out what exactly the wire in question provides a feed to if the wire has no sign...
  19. R

    Freelander HID Kits. Any feedback?

    And whatever else HID kits are not road legal in the uk for retro fit - whatever the car / make / model / year.
  20. R

    Freelander Engien

    TD4 seems to be OK - had worse problems with:- Rear brakes binding (due to last dealer fitting shoes incorrectly...) Steering rack leaking due to poor seals (no not the grey type...) Engine undertray bolts being seized in solid (makes you wonder how they changed the oil.....) Rear diff drive...