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  1. Minxy4x4

    Greetings from Cornwall.

    Hellozee... very near to me.. you got probs with a leak, my glow plug blew to pieces yeasterday.. never seen anything like it.. look out for me driving around .. cant miss my disco, mind you its not white at the mo, a nice slurry brown would be more discriptive..
  2. Minxy4x4

    Flat !!

    My Disco seems really gutless, whether its because I was used to driving a 4.2 or is it something else.. I have to drive it like a boy racer with alot of gear changes to get it to have any bottle as it really is a dog at times! Are they all like this or is it just mine. Its had a full service...
  3. Minxy4x4

    Ow do ... !!

    Ow do ... !!
  4. Minxy4x4

    good morning

    I have no end of probs with everything... youre not alone!! if it isnt this site i cocked up, its something else.. youre right about FB!! Im sure people sit there waiting for comments all day..
  5. Minxy4x4

    Wheel arches for disco

    Anybody know where I can get some wheel arches for my disco.. ive looked at the usual sites but no luck..:confused:
  6. Minxy4x4

    jUST SAYIN hI..

    jUST SAYIN hI..
  7. Minxy4x4

    Hey u.. hows it going..

    Hey u.. hows it going..
  8. Minxy4x4


  9. Minxy4x4

    Gave the disco a couple of good runs up the M5 in the last week.. seems abit flat at times but...

    Gave the disco a couple of good runs up the M5 in the last week.. seems abit flat at times but then I suppose the thing has gotta lot of weight n isnt built for speed.
  10. Minxy4x4

    Just sayin Hi!! seeing as youre local..

    Just sayin Hi!! seeing as youre local..
  11. Minxy4x4

    Classic seats!

    you could try saddle soap wipes/ cleaner, although they will leave a dull finish and slightly darken the leather but will keep it soft and supple.. have a look in any tack shops etc. Dont use the stuff you get in a bar form as its a long winded job & can be sticky!, the spray bottle or ready to...
  12. Minxy4x4

    Hi All..

    this is hilarious.....
  13. Minxy4x4

    Hi All..

    Dont suppose u gotta black cock bird??
  14. Minxy4x4

    Hi All..

    elly o ..!!!
  15. Minxy4x4

    Hey.. hows you doing there!!

    Hey.. hows you doing there!!
  16. Minxy4x4

    Hi All..

    yea.. im mad on pheasants... love em!!!!!!
  17. Minxy4x4

    Hi All..

    Ive cocked everything up so far on this site so may as well carry on..!!!
  18. Minxy4x4

    Hello from Cornwall!

    Hi... Hows u doing !!!
  19. Minxy4x4

    Just saying Hi

    Just saying Hi
  20. Minxy4x4

    CB wiring!!!!

    Has anyone got any idea where the best place to wire a CB from on a Disco? Ive been given so much advice but nobody ive spoken to seems to know what to do.. any advice most welcome¬!!!:confused: The co-ax is already set up, its just the actual CB ..