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  1. halo

    swapshop section

    er that would be a simple no thankyou. but then if i was to offer an item for swaps i'd list item'(s) i would be interested in swapping.(within reason obviously)
  2. halo

    swapshop section

    cos "swap" is the intended method of trading :rolleyes::D
  3. halo

    swapshop section

    :doh: oi!! you two no!! at least givit a few more post's and i perfers me roof ta muchly mhm :D
  4. halo

    swapshop section

    as the title say's!! would a swap section work or are we all womble's when it come's to our landy's :D
  5. halo

    woohoo new boots

    :D:D at long last ive got new boot's for the disco :D:D and wheel's to put em on :cool::cool:. here a pretty pant's pic of the tyre's i took with the moby. will take some betterer one's when there on the rim's
  6. halo

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    getting ready to put these on :D soory about the pic quality was on my phone.
  7. halo

    steel wheel nuts

    help!! anyone got a full set of steel wheel nuts knocking around they'd like to part with(for some beer tokens obviously):D 27mm for disco 1
  8. halo

    wheel offsets

    ello peeps can anyone tell me the difference in offsets between standard lr alloys and steel modulars or guide me to where on the rims i need to look to find said info? just bought me noo tyre's but want to put em on some steelie's :D ta muchly.
  9. halo

    duff lecy front wndow

    right there's power to the motor plug what do you mean by (limb) the motor?
  10. halo

    duff lecy front wndow

    oky dokey but was workin perfik then just didn't i'll take the door card off and ave a looksee :)
  11. halo

    duff lecy front wndow

    ayup people,my drivers side front window stopped working,ive swapped the switch over to the passenger side and that still works,but from there i'm stucked, any idea's!! am cacky poo wiff electrickery bits :confused:
  12. halo

    August bank holiday Peak District run

    hia gonzo mate,could you move me over to the reserve list pls moving house at the end of july so unsure i'll ave me tinternet'amongst, other thing's back up and running in time to keep up to date with what's happening,give somone who know's they can deffo make it a chance.;) cheers, Paul :cool:
  13. halo

    August bank holiday Peak District run

    oh and another Q is it a b&b weekend or a rough/campsite affair? eithers fine with me
  14. halo

    August bank holiday Peak District run

    nice vids gonzo ;) are we sure standard motors will make it over some of them :eek:
  15. halo

    August bank holiday Peak District run

    good good same minus the plough
  16. halo

    August bank holiday Peak District run

    :D cool that'll do mate ;)
  17. halo

    August bank holiday Peak District run

    quick question for all you seasoned pro's'' would a disco 1 running standard suspension and muds cope with some of the lane's listed? ive read a few can be tricky for the standard set up!!
  18. halo

    August bank holiday Peak District run

    yup i certainly will and in plenty of time too mate,and taa muchly muddy.:)
  19. halo

    August bank holiday Peak District run

    can i show an interest in a place on the provisional list guy's,if you don't mind a relative noob tagging along that is" :)
  20. halo

    Roof Light bars q&a

    you have pm!! ;)